
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

Dennis Tahbert Smith

Ask here if you're unsure whether or not you're dealing with a scammer, and we can help. This section is hidden from search engines.

Dennis Tahbert Smith

Unread postby Big Al » Sat Sep 09, 2023 3:24 pm

E-mail from a Friend:

Hi again and if you're busy please don't worry about this...but I have a frail 85-year old cousin in California, XXXXXXX who I think is being preyed upon by a scammer. He just asked for money to "get out of the Ukraine," says he owns an aero company , but she won't believe me he's a fraud. He calls her "his wife" and she said when they're together she's bringing him here to show me he's real. lol She only known him a month or two. They video chatted once for five minutes but I know scammers can fake videos. Here's that joker's Facebook name/photo, for the heck of it. I'm writing basically to see what website can scan his face to prove to my Friend he stole someone's id.
Here's a copy/paste, example of what XXXXXXXX said about the scam boy:
Dennis and I had a quick video last night. Quick because as a foreigner, he shouldn't be on a camera for security reasons. All the military equipment from the West comes in nearby. No wonder they have bomb threats. He said that I look younger than my photos. And he looks very handsome. He looked like hell because he is so upset over not getting all the money for the taxes. He has to pay a penalty of some sort. Don't know if they will let him out of the country. He has only one day of work there.

Images sent:



From the second image:

Dennis Tahbert Smith

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) & Founder at Zeslen Aeronautics Com...
Studied at Moscow Aviation Institute
Lives in Nashville, Tennessee
From Volgograd, Russia
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Joined November 2019.
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Joined 2020.
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Big Al
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