by Ruffled Feathers » Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:58 am
Hi neveragainduped,
Know your feelings and understand them, some times all of us who have been scammed feel we can never recover and heal in a new healthy way, but we do...just always remember that.
Healing is process that takes time and sometimes alot of energy - emotional energy, but you will recover and be a much stronger person for what you have gone through.
Use that emotional energy to revive yourself and look into your life and make the changes that make YOU happy, not what others want from you, but what You want from YOU.
I wish you well on you on your quest, and I know from experience you will be fine once again as a person who went through hell, but came out on the other end helping yourself and hopefully others.
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.