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Re: Need Help Pls. My family got scamed

Mon Nov 18, 2019 4:05 pm

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Ty for the help finally i talk with him i think he is realising all is a scam.

I want to expose you another busiines my father is and have similar things ( he is in the 2 black guys he realise is a scam i think, and this i go to expose) this one is much more complicated i wanna know your opinion cause he meet the people in real life ( also the interpool) her we go:

We have a busiines, in this bussines we contract a profesional person to do the job ( dont wanna say what kind of bussines it is). This person do is job really nice but he is silly as hell in general life. Well... when we contract this guy ( is a trusted guy living years in the same village) another guy appeared i try to explan.

The guy we contrct ( totally trusted his familly all generations we know) know aa guy from a capital MADRID. he say this guy from madrid is totally trusted guy from him ( he lived in his house, and know him more than 10 years ago). Ok this guy come to our bussines and say he wanna buy the bussienes and participare in other things where my fathers is triying to get investors.

Ok so this guy come to our bussines 4 or 5 times i know him ( i dont trust him after i will explain) but he seems a nice guy with a family, a llot of kids and so on... He explain there is a Investment Found from turkia or China that go to invest 15-20 million to buyin or bussines and another Things my father have ( we will continue participating in the bussines 50%).


Then he call with the booss of this investmend found and he also come to Our bussines from Turkia( i know all this guys names etc) we were dining with him and he seems a right guy.

The problems starts then.... the money must be here 17 of july and see what day it is. The Guy from Madrid say this gus dont have Idea of how to disblock the money so he has to go to Turkey To help them ( strange that guys with this amounts of money dont know how to work with it)

All time the same. The money come from London, then go to Brusellas, Then finally come here. But the monety never come. The madrid guy come to visit us again and so and so but the money never come excuse after excuse.

SOunds all strange to me but as i said he come to visit us 5 times or so. The boss of the investmend found also come to visit. But all time Excuses...

I know is a scam but the guy we contrated to work for us know this guy from more than 10 years ( and the guy we contrated is 100% trust i say to you i know his family is parents his grandparentss ......)

The guy from madrid say he is a person who make intermediary beetween bussines like us and investmend founds. He had Cancer, the medicians said he is dead and finally he survive. now he says people when he go today only wanted his money and know he walk alone.

My thouughts are the next:

I think this MAdrid Guy know the person we contract is a totally a retarded guy. I dont beleive in casuals, this guy we contract and the other appear the next week. Is all very strange

I wanna your opinion to know whats that, i am sure is a SCAM but is very diferent cause we know people and so... is posble to be truth? i am 99,9% is a scam.

sorry for my english i only want your opinion and if yuou have similar situations like this. If you dont understand something ( is very confused) i can try explain again.

Ty v much for all help

Re: Need Help Pls. My family got scamed

Mon Nov 18, 2019 4:06 pm


Ty for the help finally i talk with him i think he is realising all is a scam.

I want to expose you another busiines my father is and have similar things ( he is in the 2 black guys he realise is a scam i think, and this i go to expose) this one is much more complicated i wanna know your opinion cause he meet the people in real life ( also the interpool) her we go:

We have a busiines, in this bussines we contract a profesional person to do the job ( dont wanna say what kind of bussines it is). This person do is job really nice but he is silly as hell in general life. Well... when we contract this guy ( is a trusted guy living years in the same village) another guy appeared i try to explan.

The guy we contrct ( totally trusted his familly all generations we know) know aa guy from a capital MADRID. he say this guy from madrid is totally trusted guy from him ( he lived in his house, and know him more than 10 years ago). Ok this guy come to our bussines and say he wanna buy the bussienes and participare in other things where my fathers is triying to get investors.

Ok so this guy come to our bussines 4 or 5 times i know him ( i dont trust him after i will explain) but he seems a nice guy with a family, a llot of kids and so on... He explain there is a Investment Found from turkia or China that go to invest 15-20 million to buyin or bussines and another Things my father have ( we will continue participating in the bussines 50%).


Then he call with the booss of this investmend found and he also come to Our bussines from Turkia( i know all this guys names etc) we were dining with him and he seems a right guy.

The problems starts then.... the money must be here 17 of july and see what day it is. The Guy from Madrid say this gus dont have Idea of how to disblock the money so he has to go to Turkey To help them ( strange that guys with this amounts of money dont know how to work with it)

All time the same. The money come from London, then go to Brusellas, Then finally come here. But the monety never come. The madrid guy come to visit us again and so and so but the money never come excuse after excuse.

SOunds all strange to me but as i said he come to visit us 5 times or so. The boss of the investmend found also come to visit. But all time Excuses...

I know is a scam but the guy we contrated to work for us know this guy from more than 10 years ( and the guy we contrated is 100% trust i say to you i know his family is parents his grandparentss ......)

The guy from madrid say he is a person who make intermediary beetween bussines like us and investmend founds. He had Cancer, the medicians said he is dead and finally he survive. now he says people when he go today only wanted his money and know he walk alone.

My thouughts are the next:

I think this MAdrid Guy know the person we contract is a totally a retarded guy. I dont beleive in casuals, this guy we contract and the other appear the next week. Is all very strange

I wanna your opinion to know whats that, i am sure is a SCAM but is very diferent cause we know people and so... is posble to be truth? i am 99,9% is a scam.

sorry for my english i only want your opinion and if yuou have similar situations like this. If you dont understand something ( is very confused) i can try explain again.

Ty v much for all help

Re: Need Help Pls. My family got scamed

Mon Nov 18, 2019 4:32 pm

he meet the people in real life ( also the interpool)
Scammers WILL meet people in real life, especially if they think they can get money from them. If the "interpool" agent was introduced by anyone else in the scam, he is fake.

Sometimes people you have "known" for ten years can get involved in scams. This is not proof that it is real.

He explain there is a Investment Found from turkia or China that go to invest 15-20 million to buyin or bussines and another Things my father have ( we will continue participating in the bussines 50%).... the money must be here 17 of july and see what day it is. The Guy from Madrid say this gus dont have Idea of how to disblock the money so he has to go to Turkey To help them ( strange that guys with this amounts of money dont know how to work with it)

A pressure to send money or hand it over in person, RIGHT AWAY! is a scam. If they get him to Turkey, he can be isolated and is more vulnerable. Do not go to Turkey!

He had Cancer, the medicians said he is dead and finally he survive. now he says people when he go today only wanted his money and know he walk alone.
This scam did not work, so let's try another one, I was wrong the first time. He had cancer, but recovered is a ploy to gain your trust.

It is a scam. We have said this over and over. Now you second guess yourself. 100% scam. Your father must STOP ALL CONTACT WITH EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE SCAM. Do not believe their excuses, as if he believes them, he will be pulled right back into it.

Re: Need Help Pls. My family got scamed

Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:28 pm


First of all ty for your answer i am convince is a total Scam.

The question was that the guy we contract tou work in our company is 100% trust there is no doubt ( we live in same village 4k persons since 100 years ago see him all my life is trusted 100% but is idiot) The question is if his friend from madrid is trusted. I think No 100%. I think this guy is sure our new worker is an idiot ( even if they are friends) and he want to fk him. I still dont understand 100% the point of how he wanna do this. I am sure is a scam but wana understand this.

the guy who go to Turkey was the Madrid Guy ( the friend of our worker) i think this guy is no trusted. "The intermediary" even if he have a friendship with my newworker i think is a scamer

Re: Need Help Pls. My family got scamed

Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:52 pm

You are correct. The guy from Madrid is a scammer. Your idiot friend is duped by him.
Trust no one is these scams. Even the idiot friend, who introduced your father to the Madrid guy.

Until we get details of the scammer from your father, this topic is locked. No more posting about it.
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