
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!


Ask here if you're unsure whether or not you're dealing with a scammer, and we can help. This section is hidden from search engines.


Unread postby aaloraa2 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:50 am

Matched with attractive girl on tinder.

After some banter, she suggested we play a game, and whoever loses has to strip.

First tic tac toe, then connect four. I lost.

She then asked we talk over snapchat because things disappear on snapchat.

On snapchat I sent her tame photo of myself after she showed that if there was a screenshot it would be shown in the app. I was not thinking.

Then she kept daring me to do more, something more shocking, something more out there. Eventually I did, foolishly, sending a video. She told me she had a fetish for "embarrassment nudity."

That was when light bulb went off that this may be a scam. I raised this concern with her, in panic, and she said that was dumb, I was overthinking it, trying to make me feel crazy etc. Just wasn't thinking. After some back and forth, I blocked the account, deactivated my facebook, and limited other ways of finding me on other social media.

I am gravely concerned that she found workarounds on snapchat to download my embarrassing material, and had plans to use it as blackmail.

Please advise on whether I should be concerned, and what I should do.
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby aaloraa2 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:56 am

I am specifically wondering whether or not I should contact local law enforcement. The only information I have at this point are a snapchat username and tinder name. She claimed to be based in LA but that in all likelihood was fabricated. I am also a) embarrassed to raise this with law enforcement b) not confident anything would result from doing so.
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby aaloraa2 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:17 am

Lastly -- would there be any reason/incentive for this individual to post something, when no money has been asked for at this stage? The only identifying information I gave this person is my first name and profession, and from my tinder profile, my school and graduating year.
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby SlapHappy » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:14 am

Go to and follow the advice as if she was a blackmail scammer.
It was most likely just someone fooling around online,,,but better be safe than sorry.
Blackmail scammers and other scammers are everywhere on every social site platform and breeding like cockroaches, so be extremely careful about adding any stranger to any personal profile you have in the future, and never get naked online. I think you realize what could happen now.

Since she has not asked for money yet, there is no need to go to the police at this point.
If a video shows up online or she somehow finds you and threatens, then by all means report the scam to the police.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
Blackmail Scammed? Go here:
FAQ viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19
Victim of a scam? Go here: ... =3&t=26504
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby aaloraa2 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:24 am

Thank you -- I will follow these steps.

Of course, I am really freaked out right now, and just wondering based on what I've provided to you, although impossible to predict, how likely it is anything damning could come of this.
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby SlapHappy » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:44 am

Extremely low, if you click on the link and follow the advice.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
Blackmail Scammed? Go here:
FAQ viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19
Victim of a scam? Go here: ... =3&t=26504
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby aaloraa2 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:44 pm

Thank you. I did so. Could you explain why you think she was "probably just playing online"? That makes me feel a lot less nervous about this. Is there anything different about this than other scams you typically see that would make you believe I have less cause for concern?

I should add: I did ask her to verify her identity at one point by holding up three fingers. She sent me a picture of a single middle finger. Finally, after I asked more, she did hold up three fingers in the pitch black dark. In that picture, you cannot see her nail color, while in the "middle finger" picture, you could. I believe that she doctored the first photo, and the second picture was a different hand. She refused to then send me another one with light. She also sent me a screenshot of "her" instagram page, but I have a feeling she created a mock instagram page to match a fake identity.
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby firefly » Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:54 pm


Not everybody doing similar things the scammers are doing online are scammers. You can find a weird fauna in the online world, from cyber sex addicts to people fooling around because they have nothing better to do.

The best option you have is to use a healthy skepticism about anyone meet online only - you can never know for sure who is on the other side of the screen and why that person does what he/she does. Don't give anyone the chance to use anything against you and you will be ok.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby aaloraa2 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:19 pm

Thanks. And sorry to beat a dead horse, but I am just trying to find ways to compartmentalize this and go about living my daily life normally without fear. My last questions: I assume there is no "typical" way scammers act, but should I take it as a positive sign that this individual has not tried to reach out at all after I blocked her? That she didn't ever ask about my personal information but just asked me to do weird roleplays? That she was ending some of the conversations herself?

How long after obtaining material does a scammer typically take to attempt blackmail or publish?
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Re: Concerned

Unread postby aaloraa2 » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:32 pm

And to confirm -- this individual was faking live snaps and sending them to me. Fake pictures that she doctored from someone else.
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