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Scammers abusing stolen photos of Yulia Konovalova

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Scammers abusing stolen photos of Yulia Konovalova

Unread postby firefly » Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:32 am

Posted on behalf of the victim:

Email address:
The scammer is using stolen images of Yulia Konovalova. Her stolen pictures are reported online since 2009 for being abused in scams.

How are you, my dear friend.

Finally I was able to send you a letter.
I had not previously acquainted when the internet and therefore not immediately decided to write
you a letter.
But today, my day is fine, I have a very good mood and I decided to start a new acquaintance.
That is why I am writing to you my humble post in the hope that you will see it and write me.
My name is Elena.
In real life, I have not been able to meet the beloved man, and so I'm
hoping that maybe on the net I met a good, interesting man for serious relationship.
I can tell you more things about me and my life in future letters.
I hope that my letter to you and you are interested in reply me!
I'll wait on you and your news fotos.

Return-Path: <>
Received: from wwinf2221 ([])
From: Elena Sweet
Subject: I will wait for your answer
X-Originating-IP: []

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Rue Beltelecom
City: Mogilev
Country of Origin: Belarus


Gallery: ... egory/1303
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Unread postby firefly » Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:34 am

Hello xxx,

Dear xxx, thanks you for your letter. I am glad you have written to me. I shall hope that in the
future, we shall be very good friends, and can and more. I do not know what to tell in my first letter
because I never got acquainted through the Internet before. It - something new and unusual to me.
But I shall try, write good letters to you. Please not be too strict to my mistakes in words, the English
language - not my native language. But I Assume, that I know it well.
Well, my name - Elena, as you to know. You can name me as you like. I shall not be disappointed. I'm
30 years. My birthday on May, 27th. My height 5,7. My weight 54 kg. I live in city Kirov. Kirov known
city of Russia. Kirov - very much beautiful city. I have finished medical university. I worked as the
second surgeon in small clinic within 3 years. It was very much interesting and in the same time
responsible. I was happy to give health of people, to help them. Many things depend on me during
actions. I think in The future I will be capable the surgeon to become independent. You think, what it
- good dream? Probably that I shall work in Clinic, as the basic surgeon.
I live one, I have no neither children, nor the boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like very lonely in my house.
Perhaps, for this reason I have decided to get acquainted with you. I have the house, work, friends,
but I cannot tell that I am happy. I hope, that we shall write many letters to each other. I am very
pleased and grateful, that you have answered my letter, because I Decided to try to get acquainted
through the Internet only once. I never get acquainted before in such a way. I cannot understand
completely as it works because I have no computer. I only beginner in work of the internet. I hope,
that you are interested in our dialogue, as I. You can tell to me about all of you, that you want. I shall
be pleased to know all about your life. I understand that tastes differ, but I hope, that my image will
be pleasant for you. I hope, that you will write to me soon. I thank you Beforehand. With the best


PS. I will wait your photo in the following letter.


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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:38 pm


Hi my xxx,

The day is wonderful today and I’m in high spirits and how are you? I hope all is well. I all the same
could not look that you have sent to me.
Yesterday I was in a bad mood. It was rain all day long. I’ve already told you that I live in my own
house. It’s very beautiful and comfortable, but it’s too old. I’m disappointed that during the rain
water goes through the aperture in the roof and makes the house full of water. I asked a specialist’s
help, and he tried to repair some parts of the roof for many times but it didn’t help, because it’s
necessary to repair the whole roof, I have to change the roof. And yesterday I come to the conclusion
that I have to do it as soon as possible. My girlfriend Marina promised me to help. She always helps
me. I’m very glad to have such a girlfriend. She is very close to me and we often spend time together.
Marina says that I need a man who will help me and who will really love me. You know I really feel
lonely very often but I believe in god luck. I believe in God, he always helps.
I don’t remember if I told you or not about my dog. Its name is Chipa. He the boy. To him 3 years. It is
very handsome. I like to play with it, I like to feed it, so I like to take care of it. Chipa is very tender,
and it loves me too. Every evening it meets me near the house. You will laugh at me, but I must be
sure that somebody or something waits for me in the house, no matter if it’s just my dog. I heard if a
person has a pet in a house and if he takes a good care of it the person is a very good house keeper.
Marina has a dog at home too, and our dog like to play together. But sometimes dog fight. I’m sorry
that I pay too much attention to it in my letters and may be you are not interested in it at all, but I
want to tell you about the dearest living being in my life.
Not so long ago I was in a cinema. Because this session began late. I and Marina looked “Wedding
Weekend”. This very entertainment american movie. I like this movie. Marina was delight also. After
arrival from cinema I to cook my favorite a dish - pancakes. I made it with jam a gooseberry. Very
tasty. It's a pity, that I cannot treat you. Probably during week I will prepare for future house repair.
I’ll look for people who will help me with it. I imagine my house after repair It will be very cosy and
nice, if everything will go well. I’m sorry, probably my letter is sad but I think you’ll be interested in
thoughts and feelings. I send you photos me with my favorite dog Chipa. You have animals? You can
send your joint photo? Tell me, if something will be interesting for you. I’ll tell you it in detail. With
best regards.


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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:40 pm


Hi my dear xxx,

Thank you very much for your letter. It brightens my day. I hope that you have the same feeling when
you receive my letter. And of course, I enjoy our correspondence and I am serious. I consider you to
be my friend, I think that you understand me in lots of things it's easy for me to talk to you on many
topics. You can ask me any questions you want.
Children are the only thing for what there should live the person, and I do not differ from those
people which think so. My opinion, that children it not only sort continuation, but also unforgettable
days of their education, their first steps and the first words. It is very fine to me so it seems. I think
that optimum quantity of children is 2. The boy and the girl, other quantity depends on a material
condition of a family.
I think that trust is very important for the relationship, if both of the partners want the relationship
to grow. No relationship can be strong without it. Thank you for being honest with me and from my
side I can say that I will be honest with you also. I think we should try to tell each other as much as
we can.

I would like to know you better from inside, because you seem very interesting to me, so I have a
question for you: What qualities do you appreciate in people the most? In my opinion, honesty,
faithfulness, kindness, sincere and understanding are very important in people. I also think that in
every relationship trust plays the main role. That's why I think that 100 trust should be between man
and woman, they should be able to say every single thing to each other, share all their joys and
sorrows. If they have a problem they should try to find a salvation together. What do you think?
What is your opinion? And feel free to ask me anything, I'll answer you with great pleasure.
I will be looking forward to your letter!!!!

Sincerely Elena...

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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:42 pm


Hi my dear xxx,

Thank you very much for your letter and your tender words. You are so sweet to me, it is so pleasant
read your letters. When I close my eyes I can see you saying this to me. It makes me feel very good.
Even though we are far from each other, in my dreams we together. We are walking together at
some nice place in and saying tender and warm words to each other. I feel that you are very special
to me. As speak in the people not in money happiness. For money not to buy happiness.
You know xxx, I don't think that the outside beauty is the most important thing, you can be
beautiful for some time, even the most beautiful. But in some years this beauty will go away, there
will be other people who will look better. I think that the real beauty is inside your soul. The person
should be beautiful from inside, in my opinion. Don't you agree with me?
xxx, I see in you the person who I can talk easily with, who is interesting for me. I would like to
know your soul, I would like to know everything about you. I see that you are not playing with me or
joking. Many of our thoughts are the same, our values are very close and we are looking for the same
things. I see that I can establish the emotional connection with you. I can talk to you on any topic. It's
very easy for me, it seems like I know you for a long time. I like your thoughts about life and
relationships between man and woman. By your letters I can say that you are a decent man with
serious intentions. I like that in you. I think that we are even a little bit alike in that. I am also serious
about our correspondence. I like to read your letters and I think that I will really like to talk to you in
person, you seem to be an intelligent and well educated person.
OK xxx, I am finishing my letter now and I hope that you are having a great day. I am thinking
about you and I am really happy that we've met. This thought makes me smile. Hope to hear from
you soon.

With hugs Elena...

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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:44 pm


Hi my xxx,

I'm very glad that you have written to me. I need your letters more and more often.
They make me happy. I was determined with work in clinic! I shall be the surgeon. I shall
soon have holidays, I shall work as the senior surgeon. Hope, that you is glad for me
because the surgeon is my favorite trade.
I have no profile on facebook. I can speak with you only through email. I hope that it will
not prevent our dialogue. The black sea is far from me. Why you do not send me your
Today I have been late for work. When I woke up in the morning, my neighbor came to
me. She is an old woman and she is a very good and king woman. We address each other
when we need something. Today she came to me because she had a problem. The door
to her house has been broken and she couldn’t close it. She lives alone as well, her
husband died 5 years ago and now nobody is ready to help her. So, I went to have a look
at the door. We tried to repair it but we could do nothing. I am a bad carpenter (smile).
As it turned out something was wrong with a lock, it was necessary to ask a specialist’s
help. Klava (this is my neighbor’s name) was very disappointed, what we could do, we
are women, and it was clear that a specialist’s help was necessary. I tried to calm down
my neighbor because she doesn’t feel well and it’s very dangerous for her to be nervous.
She had to be hospitalized, but she refused to do it and now she has to take injections
every day. I promised to ask for a carpenter. In our clinic there is a man, who is
responsible for repair, if something is wrong with the clinic. He drinks alcohol a lot, but
he has “golden hands” (in Russia it means that a person with “golden hands” can do all
the things very good) I want to ask him to help my neighbor with her door. I want that
he attempt to repair my roof. I do not know whether he will agree. I shall hope for his
help. I can’t find him now but as soon as I see him I’ll ask. It is very important to help old
people. More than it our government doesn't treat old people well. Pensions are tiny.
They don’t get any social aid. Our medicine is not free of charge. Old people have to
spend all the money on medicines. Of course it is not good, it’s unfair, unjust. But the
economic situation in Russia is not highly developed. Well I am not interested in politics
but the question about social aid is very important for me.
I do not remember I wrote to you about my diploma? I have the diploma the Europe-
standard. This diploma entitles to work as the doctor in your country.

Your Elena…

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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:46 pm


Hi my xxx,

Thank you very much for your letter, I was very glad to receive it as usual because your letters
always put me in a good mood and make me smile. My breasts natural. In Europe always pay to
experts more.
I am thinking a lot about you and I like to read from you. I am very glad that you understand me. You
the unique person which to worry about me. You know, I need to tell you something. I think that
friendship is very important in the relationships. Let me explain what I mean here. I think that
passion and affection are very good, but two people that decide to be together need to know how
deal with each other in everyday life. You know what I mean? And I think that friendship between
them will help a lot. I would like to see a very good, I can say the best friend in my soul mate. I think
that emotional connection is very important, so that two people will feel very comfortable with each
other. How do you think?
When I am reading your letters xxx, I feel that you are honest and sincere with me, you are
telling me a lot about you, so I want to give you the same thing. You know, I have a dream. I would
like to find a true love, a special person who is going to love and take care of me and I will do the
same for him. I want our love to be forever. I think that when I meet that special one I will give him
all of my tenderness, care and love. And what is your dream? What do you want the most from life?
Please, tell me. It will be very interesting for me to know what you are thinking and dreaming about.
You know xxx, I need to tell you something. I have never thought before that this is possible to
find a very good friend, somebody special with the help of Internet. But now I can say that this
happened to me, I’ve met you and it seems to me like I know you for a long time even though we
exchanged only a few letters. Now I can say that there is a person in the world who understands me,
my life position, whose dreams and intentions are close to mine. You should know that you are dear
to my heart, I am always ready to listen, understand and try to help you if you need that. Ok, I am
finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply!!!
I am thinking about you!!!

With tender hugs and kisses

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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:48 pm


Hi my dear xxx,

How are you doing today? What’s new? I am fine over here and I was very glad to hear from you
because I miss you very very much!!! I am thinking about you all the time, you are very dear to me.
At me the small but cosy house. In these days off I have spent houses was engaged in house affairs. I
did not go anywhere and all time have spent houses. I do not have own computer therefore to me it
is necessary to use the cafe Internet.
xxx, you know, today I woke up with sun beams that were coming out of my window and my first
thought was about you! I was laying in my bed and thinking, imagining that may be some wonderful
day we’ll be waking up together like this and the first thing you will do when you wake up is kissing
me and wishing me a good morning and I will do the same for you. You know, I liked that thought.
Who knows, may be some day it will be the reality? How do you think? Would you like that, hun?
OK my dear, I am finishing my letter and I will be looking forward to your reply!!!
I miss you!
With sweet thoughts about you,


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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:51 pm


Hi my xxx,

How are you? Today I've the big desire to write to you. Hope you don't object?
In the future I would like most to visit you in your country. Sex is very important part of a human life,
and without it there can not be a development of a human life. I concern it adequately enough. I was
brought up in Russian family, I lived in the country named USSR, you probably heard about it. Then
nobody could tell aloud that such sex, and at all did not assume to speak about it. People simply were
engaged in it, but only after wedding. Really, now I would not began to have sex with which person I
know week or two, probably I need to learn it in the beginning, and to try to trust in it. Now I have
you, but cyber-sex does not involve me.
I suppose I can tell you about my bad experience in relations. If you are not interested in it you may
stop reading the letter. I won't be offended. I think I can tell you the story because you have become
very very close to me recently. I hope you have an idea of the problem with alcohol in Russia and I
suppose you understand why I don't want to look for a husband in Russia. Let's begin since the very
first day of the acquaintance. I worked in the clinic as a surgeon's assistant. I was going home after
my work but it began raining and I could not go because I had left my umbrella at home. It was
summer but never the less I didn't want to get wet and to take a cold. I was standing under the roof
of the building waiting till the rain would stop. But the rain was not going to stop and I wanted to go
home in the rain. But a young man was going in my direction with an umbrella. He saw that I couldn't
go with an umbrella and offered me to take his one. I asked him: "And what about you?" He said that
he would spend some time in the clinic and may be the rain would stop soon. I asked how I would be
able to return him the umbrella. He said his address to me and his name. His name is Vladimir. It was
not far from the clinic. I wrote down his address and promised to give him the umbrella the next day
in the evening. On my home I thanked the young man and asked the God to stop the rain. But it was
raining the whole night. I cursed myself that I had taken the umbrella and that he was wet to the skin
because of me. I didn't sleep a wink at night. The next day in the clinic was so long for me. I was
looking forward to finishing my work to give the umbrella back to Vladimir. I wanted to learn how he
was. As soon as my working day was over, I changed my working clothes and left my work. Vladimir
was standing at the door smiling. It turned out that he remembered the time when my work was
over. He came to meet me. I asked about his health at once. He said that everything was all right. He
didn't get too wet because he was running home. Then we walked for a long time. We talked a lot.
My mum had died already and I was alone. He was the dearest and the closest man in the world for
me at that time. He saw much of each other at time. But i didn't invite him my house I wanted to
check him. Once we were invited to a Birthday party of his friend. I agreed to go to see his friends, as
i wanted to know more about him. Vladimir didn't drink even champagne. I thought it was because of
me, because I didn't drink as well. But his friends told me that Vladimir really didn't drink alcohol. I
liked Vladimir. I think so did he. We became more than friends and he began to live in my house. First
2 months we were very happy, we were on the seventh heaven. But then he got a very good job. He
became a lawyer. He made much money. But he began drinking alcohol. At first a little bit - then
more and more. He didn't sleep at home at night. When he was drunk he began beating me. I
thought he change for the better, that he would the same he had been before. But nothing changed.
Once I was beaten by him bitterly and left my house. He didn't come back 9 days. Our friends told me
that they had seen Vladimir with other girls. I came to the conclusion that it was enough to bear it.
When he came back he even wasn't sorry and didn't apologize. I don't think that he had forgotten
that he had beaten me. I didn't say a word in the evening. I started the talk in the morning when he
was sober. So I made him leave my house forever. He was shouting, screaming and he even broke a
photo in the frame where my mom and I were. I said to him that I would call a police, well he had
gone. Forever. Now I am happy that I didn't marry him. Don’t want such relations once again. Almost
all Russian men drink alcohol a lot that's why I don't want to have any relations with them. I suppose
you understand me. I'm sorry my letter is too long. But I wanted to show you what I am feeling.
I am very happy that I got acquainted with you. I hope our communication will never stop. Marina
has told to you "Hi". I have to finish me letter. Thanks that you write me.
With all my heart, your Elena.

PS. By the way, I have overlooked to tell to you. Today carpenters have repaired my roof. I am
happy! It is very little necessary for the lonely woman for happiness!!! (Smile) My roof was repaired
by the same carpenter who repaired Klava door.

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Unread postby firefly » Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:52 pm


Hello my dear xxx,

I would like to tell you that your letters bring me much joy and make me happier day by day! You are
the dearest man to my heart, I am always looking forward to your letters. When I received your letter
today, I was very happy. I am very glad to find out about your sincere heart and kindness in relation
to women. I very much wish to feel it in a reality.
I also would like to inform you that I very much love swimming. I like it because it helps to hold the
form in a good condition. And also it is pleasant. I am final not so well it I do to cross the river. But my
ability suffices that I could take pleasure from swimming and it suffices me. Now I prefer to visit pool
that swim. I like to bathe, but only without the big waves.
We are far away from each other now, but I am sure that we need each other, I am sure that the fact
that we’ve met was meant to be. Who knows, maybe we are two halves of one? I can’t find words
that can describe my feelings to you, you are making me the happiest woman in the world! I would
like to thank you for your love and care, I know that you are serious and sincere with me, from my
side I’ll try to do my best to make you happy. Because deep in my heart I feel that you are a very
special man who is dear to my heart so much!
I am finishing my letter to you and I will be looking forward to your reply!

With hugs Elena...

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