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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:22 pm

From a Survivor:

From: <>
Date: Mon, Apr 15, 2024
Subject: hello

Hello my friend .
It's me Yuliya. I am glad to write this letter for you today. Because I couldn't write my letter all these days.
You probably already wrote your letter to my previous e-mail. And now you wait for an answer from me.
Unfortunately I had to delete my previous email address. Therefore I cannot access my past email.
since a month ago I met a man on the Internet. he seemed like a decent person to me.
but then he started asking me for naked photos. I refused. because I'm a decent girl. he wrote me insults and even threatened me.
but I blocked him and he didn't write to me for a couple of weeks. and recently he showed up again and started writing to me from a different email address
and also insulted me and asked for naked photos. This is some kind of crazy person. I didn't know what to do after that.
then I had to delete my email address. and now I create a new email address. So that I can write a letter for you again.
I hope you are still interested in getting to know me? I would really like to continue getting to know you and our communication.
I like you a lot. And you seemed to me an interesting man.
I really hope that you can answer my letter.
I will look forward to your letter.
Your new friend Yuliya.


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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:06 am

From: <>
Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2024
Subject: Hello friend

Hello my friend .
I was waiting for your letter. I really enjoy reading your letters to me. you are becoming very interesting to me.
Every day I want to get to know you better. Happy belated birthday to you!! I wish you good health and all the best.
Yesterday I had a good day. I was cleaning the house. then I cooked a delicious dinner. I made cabbage rolls.
do you like cabbage rolls? and then I watched TV. I also like watching Turkish TV series about love.
and then at 23.00 I went to bed. This morning I also woke up at 6.50. and then I went to work. the weather was good outside.
I like communicating with you. this is even an interesting correspondence. because we expect letters from each other every day.
it is so romantic. it's like in the 19th century. but our letters arrive quickly. and before they waited for letters for 2-3 days.
Do you agree with me? do you like our correspondence? I understand that now it's the 21st century in the yard
and there are many ways to communicate. but you know that at work I can't install any programs.
and at home I don't have a computer and no Internet. so now I have no way to communicate in any other way.
but it's so romantic. Previously, they wrote letters and sent them by mail. They also sent a photograph along with the letter.
it was so romantic. tell me, do you like our correspondence? do you like writing letters?
I find it easy and interesting to communicate with you. I hope you enjoy our communication too.
I consider you a serious person with serious intentions. I'm interested in you and I think you're a good person.
I want to wish you a good evening today. I will look forward to your next letter.
your friend Yuliya.





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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:43 am

From: <>
Date: Thu, Apr 18, 2024
Subject: good day

Hello my friend !!!!
Today I am very glad to see your new letter to me. How are you? How's your weather? hope you are fine. I like learning about you.
You are becoming more and more interesting to me. Do you like talking to me? With every new letter from you, I feel that we are getting closer.
It is very easy for me to communicate with you. I can tell you everything about myself. You can understand me better than anyone.
It's a very pleasant feeling.
I like to think about you. I imagine how you spend your day, what you do in your free time. With each new letter you write to me,
I get to know you better. You are interesting to me. I'm trying to write to you in more detail about me. I wish you could get to know me better.
Today I had a good and productive day at work. I am in the excellent mood. Today I had a lot of work.
I'm tired, but I found time to write a letter. because you are becoming very important to me.
Today I want to talk about you. I'm wondering how are you? What did you do today? how are you? I guess I have too many questions for you.
I hope it won't be difficult for you to answer me. I like chatting with you. I think you are an interesting man.
I enjoy texting with you. It is very easy for me to communicate with you. I feel like I can tell you everything about myself.
I feel how you are becoming a person close to me. And sometimes it seems to me that I have known you for a very long time, and I really like it.
I want to ask you a serious question. This is important to me and I want to know your answer. I want you to answer it honestly.
Who am I to you? why are you texting me? how do you think. You and I can have a serious relationship.
I have a very warm feeling for you. I can't exactly articulate this feeling right now. It is very important for me to know your answer.
Don't rush to answer. Think carefully. After that, write to me.
I want to ask you one more question. I hope for your honest and sincere answer for me. It is very important for me.
Are you in a relationship now? do you have other girls? do you correspond with other girls? It's important for me to know the answer.
I only have a relationship with you. I don't need another relationship right now. I don't correspond with other men.
I hope for you that our relationship with you is just as serious for you.
Now I will finish my letter. You're probably already tired of reading it.
I will be waiting for your answer. You are very important to me.
I will be waiting for your answer with great impatience.
Yours Yuliya.




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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:51 am

From: <>
Date: Fri, Apr 19, 2024
Subject: Re: good day

Hello .
do you read my letters? I'll ask you important questions. but you don't comment on anything. Why?
I sent you a video yesterday. but you also don't say anything. do you even care about me?
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