
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.

Unread postby firefly » Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:15 pm

Message on the dating site:

I have learned though that chemistry is not everything and not the only Like everyone I talk to I want the whole enchanter, including chemistry. component for building a strong relationship. with you here is my email if interested because not here always..

Screen name: David luis Andrew
Male / Single
46 - Houston / United States
Current Location San Jose/ United States

i am very honest straight loving faithful always caring love to be focus in all that i do always

Looking For
a honest woman with lovely heart passion always faithful caring

Appearance Attractive
Height(cm) 154
Weight(kg) 92

Relationship Status Single
Occupation Military
Profession soldier
Living Situation Other
Relocation Willing to relocate another country
Seeking For Romance / Dating, Marriage

The stolen picture used is already reported here.
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Unread postby firefly » Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:45 am

Split from ... =6&t=42214 where the same details or the scammer are reported in another type of scam.

On FB:

Charles D Blummer
Sergeant at U.S. Navy
Studied at Harvard University
Past: New York Military Academy
Lives in Damascus, Syria
From California City, California

The profile is active since July 25, 2015. The real location of the scammer is Nigeria.

The profile picture used is already reported here. Additional stolen pictures used:


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Harth Steinar - FaceBook /

Unread postby firefly » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:58 am

Feedback form [#10213]

What name did the scammer use?*: Hart Steinar
How old did the scammer say they were?*: 47
Scammer's Skype name.: no have
If they asked you to leave the site , where did they take you to?: messenger
How much money did they demand?: I give to him $2020
Name you were told to send the money to. : Angela Jackson, mercy quinlat deviza
What country/city were you told to send the money to?: Millbrook USA. Doha Qatar
How were you to send the money ?: moneygram, westernunion
Please upload a photo of the scammer if they sent you one.: the picture is already reported here
What steps, if any, have you already taken to block the scammer?: Block him, and tell my friend

On FB as Harth Steinar - active since September 9, 2015.

Stolen pictures used:


harth1.jpg (12.94 KiB) Viewed 6862 times
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Unread postby firefly » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:15 pm

Posted on the behalf of the victim:

The scammer sent me the same pictures and the same arguments - he has not changed his ways. He send the same form for alleged vacation, sent me a letter I sent to his Captain Derake Joseph, asking me to pretend I am his future wife and request for an exit permit from Libya. At that point I was only interested in helping him getting out of a place - he told me it was worse than hell. And gradually I inadvertently fell into his trap.
 Thank you, because I really feel ashamed... I fall in love with this man, well the photo, and the words of a liar swindler feelings cost me time believing they were true, basically begged God it was not him, it was a mistake. After this do not know if I'll be able to trust someone. Thanks again, I hope this gentleman is aware about someone using his pictures, and I understand that he is not guilty, so to him I do not feel resentment, unfortunately for me, I feel love.
I can only hope I will overcome this loss soon.

Stolen pictures the scammer sent:




harth3.jpg (6.22 KiB) Viewed 6850 times

harth4.jpg (9.25 KiB) Viewed 6850 times


harth6.jpg (6.45 KiB) Viewed 6850 times

various pictures with wounded US soldiers, not posted.
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Unread postby firefly » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:18 pm

The money request - email address used



Atención: xxx

Se trata de acusar recibo de su solicitud de licencia presentada en nombre de su prometido tropas sargento HARTH STEINAR Estados Unidos sobre la paz misión de mantenimiento de aquí en
Libia bajo mi mando y jurisdicción militar. Entiendo a través
esta solicitud y las discusiones previas con él en sus asuntos y propuesta de matrimonio para usted y que ha de proceder a un acuerdo civil con usted y ha hablado mucho sobre este tema y busca ahora a concluir con usted para ser su esposa legal.
Debo informarles aquí que él es de una misión importante la celebración de una profunda
posición en las tareas de protección y de vigilancia como una de nuestra inteligencia militar aquí.
En consecuencia, también se debe tener en cuenta que este no es momento para despedirse oficial, pero no obstante se le concedió un permiso de emergencia, básicamente, en sus explicaciones y completa introducción de su verdadera personalidad junto con su afán de buscar la oportunidad de permiso en otra para conseguir a su país para obtener un finalizaciones de su matrimonio con el que debo traer también a su aviso de que la autoridad militar de los Estados Unidos no pide a nuestras tropas a pagar por sus hojas oficiales o días festivos / vacaciones asignados y aprobados por la autoridad militar, sino en un situación en la que cualquier miembro del ejército de Estados Unidos en su en sus propias facultades discrecionales y de acuerdo con su prometida aplicar o solicitud de una emergencia dejarlo debe implicar el pago de cuotas de acuerdo con el número de semanas o meses dejar de duración que será elegido como disponibles para la sólo razones de emergencia a petición de las tropas de paz única misión de mantenimiento. Es muy importante que usted entienda estos puntos muy bien y los más razones que usted debe pagar y
apoyo en la otra para dar esta oficina el apoyo para dar la aprobación a su solicitud.

Hemos licencia / vacaciones duraciones a ser considerados y aprobados para los solicitantes aceptados que buscan volver a casa de su novio en la paz misión mantener y como yo os he ofrecido la oportunidad de elegir entre los siguientes el siguiente salir con duraciones no
pagos negociables unidos a cada dejan duración.

Los oficiales militares de Estados Unidos en busca de emergencia dejan de cumplir civil
propuesta y promesas tienen derecho para la siguiente licencia / vacaciones de emergencia
opciones como se indica a continuación y debe utilizarlo como solicitó y sin mala conducta debe ser tolerado.

LICENCIA DE EMERGENCIA / Vacaciones categorías abajo

(A) 3 semanas de duración LICENCIA: $ 1,320.00

(B) 5 semanas de licencia DURACIÓN: $ 3.320.00


$ 5,320.00

Las duraciones de licencias anteriores se ponen a disposición para que usted elija y envía el pago de acuerdo con la elección hecha por su prometido en función de su capacidad y la hora prevista de que usted va a querer que pase con usted.

Las razones de pago por solicitud de permiso de emergencia es para ayudar a la autoridad militar de Estados Unidos en los gastos de sustitución y el apoyo de las tropas que vienen a tomar overduties de cualquiera que van de permiso de emergencia y debe ser considerado digno y una manera de asegurar que nuestras tropas están protegidos y se les permite para hacer juiciosamente uso de su tiempo, por razones que se aplican y pagado. Esto debe ser bien entendido por cualquier solicitante / novia, y las instrucciones formuladas en el presente documento debe ser debidamente siguió con el pago que ha realizado.

Estimado xxx, la cantidad fijada en cada elección de vacaciones de emergencia

realizado de conformidad de las normas y todas las pautas claramente establecidas en la presente nota para evitar error o terminación de la aprobación, y usted tiene que entender que el dinero que usted envía es recibida por nosotros, y queremos hacerle saber que su novia no puede venir si no paga por cualquier duración de la licencia antes mencionados, que hará que la capacidad y el tiempo de espera que usted quiere que él para pasar con usted.

NOTA: Para el pago de cualquier elección de la duración de la licencia, los solicitantes han de optar por pagar todas las cuotas en un momento u en principio dos o tres cuotas 'con nada menos que 30% de la duración de la carga total de la opción de la licencia o de la elección hecha por los solicitantes

En la recepción del pago completo en menos de 7 días de esta notificación será procesada y aparece en la lista de permisos de emergencia le permitirá al nombre de su prometido
aplica la emergencia proceder de permiso en el momento en que usted espera su llegada a su país y para obtener legalmente casada con usted como su futura esposa.

Porque tú has hecho ninguna elección de las duraciones de licencias anteriores, el pago debe hacerse en su totalidad dentro de los 7 días a partir de hoy en su totalidad o parte de la cuota para obtener su Nombre fija en la lista de vacaciones a tiempo y evitar errores o errores de cálculo en reemplazo gastos como se explicó anteriormente.

Aviso: Este pago se hará a UNIDAS NATION ARMY
SEDE EN EE.UU. Por razones de seguridad




Texto de la pregunta: ¿De qué color.





/ (translation)



Please note xxx

This is to acknowledge receipt of your license application submitted on behalf of his troops promised Sergeant HARTH STEINAR United States on peace keeping mission here
Libya under my command and military jurisdiction. I understand through
this application and previous discussions with him on his business and marriage proposal for you and you have to proceed to a civil settlement with you and much has been said on this subject and is now looking to conclude with you to be his legal wife.
 I must inform you here that he is an important mission holding a deep
position in the tasks of protection and surveillance as one of our military intelligence here.
Consequently, you should also keep in mind that this is no time to say goodbye officer, but nonetheless was granted an emergency permit basically in their explanations and complete introduction to his true personality along with his desire to seek the opportunity to permission on another to get home to get completions her marriage I should also bring to your notice that the military authorities of the United States is not asking our troops to pay for official leaves or holidays / vacations assigned and approved by the military authorities, but in a situation where any member of the US military in its in its own discretion and in accordance with his fiancee apply or request an emergency leave must involve the payment of fees in accordance with the number of weeks or months-long leave to be elected as available for emergency reasons only at the request of the troops only peace-keeping mission. It is very important that you understand these points very well and the reasons you should pay and
support each other to provide this support office to give approval to the application.

We have license / rental durations to be considered and approved for successful applicants seeking to come home from her boyfriend in peace keeping mission and as I have offered the opportunity to choose from the following the following durations not out
negotiable payments linked to each stop duration.

Military officials in the United States for emergency stop civil meet
proposal and promises are entitled to the following license / holiday emergency
options as follows and should use it as requested without misconduct to be tolerated.

         EMERGENCY LICENSE / Holidays categories below

(A) 3 weeks LICENSE: $ 1,320.00

(B) 5-week license: $ 3.320.00


$ 5320.00

Durations above licenses are made available for you to choose and send the payment in accordance with the choice made by her betrothed according to their capacity and estimated time you will want to you to pass.

The reasons for payment for emergency permit application is to help the US military authorities in replacement costs and support troops coming to take any overduties ranging from emergency permit and should be considered decent and a way to ensure that our troops are protected and allowed to make judicious use of your time, for reasons that are applied and paid for. This should be well understood by any applicant / girlfriend, and the instructions set out in this document should be duly followed with the deposit payment.

Dear xxx, the amount set in each emergency holiday choice

carried out in accordance with the rules and all the guidelines clearly set out in this note to avoid misleading or termination of approval, and you have to understand that the money you send is received by us, and we want to let you know that your boyfriend can not come if you do not pay for any length of the aforementioned license, which will make the capacity and the wait time you want him to go with you.

NOTE: For payment of any choice of the duration of the license, applicants must choose to pay all fees at one time or in two or three installments beginning 'with no less than 30% of the duration of the total load license option or choice made by applicants

On receipt of full payment within 7 days of this notice will be processed and listed emergency permit will allow the name of her fiance
Emergency applied for permission to proceed by the time you wait for your arrival to your country and to get legally married to you and your future wife.

Because you have made any choice durations above licenses, payment must be made in full within 7 days from today all or part of the fee to get your name on the list fixed rental time avoid mistakes or miscalculations replacement expenses as explained above.

Notice: This payment will be made UNITED NATION ARMY
US based For security reasons




Question Text: What color.


Thank you.


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Unread postby firefly » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:21 pm

When the victim realized she is being scammed, she blocked the scammer on her social profile - that was not enough for the scammer to go away: :

Hello honey how are you doing today,i know you have been facing a lot of problems
that should not the reason be enough reasons for you to block me ,i cannot eat and i cannot even sleep bcos of my heart has been bleeding since you blocked me .
why do you have to treat me like this ,you quickly forgot the love that we shared ,remember that you have been the queen of my heart ,you are the only woman who gave me reason to live and be happy
you forgot our plans for each other ,our happy home that we are going to build ?
why honey please accept my request please ,if you still love me like you have promise please accept me again please
Can't really stay without you now,
I don't have words to tell or how,
But, you are the only reason I breathe,
I can't stay without you my life,
You are the reason I survive,
Just want you to know that i am really missing you so much my love, You're in my thoughts every moment of the day,You're the sun behind the cloud,accept my request please
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Unread postby SlapHappy » Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:15 pm

Feedback via the ScamSurvivors.Com [#10468]

What name did the scammer use?*: Alfred S. Milligan
Scammer's email address if you have it.:
How old did the scammer say they were?*: 40
Scammer's Skype name.: Blue blade
Scammer's Skype username . .*: Blueblade33
What site did you first meet the scammer on? .: Twoo
If they asked you to leave the site , where did they take you to?: Skype
How much money did they demand?: He asked to leave a request and than i found this site
Please upload a photo of the scammer if they sent you one.: image.jpg
Are there any other details you wish to share? Anything you say may help prevent someone else from being scammed, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time.: I have some other pictures of "Alfred Milligan". And about request. He asked to write to the e mail address for the leave request."write a letter to Ask them to grant a leave request for me,Lt. Alfred S. Milligan.and follow their instructions please"

skype name: Blue Blade
skype profile ID: blueblade33
Washington DC, United States
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Badoo: Richard Songstrom Miles

Unread postby SlapHappy » Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:25 pm

Another fake profile abusing the same photos:

Badoo: Richard Songstrom Miles
Age 42
Washington, DC, United States

I'm here to
I'm here to date with girls, 40-65

If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Unread postby firefly » Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:44 am

The scammer contacted his potential victim on a dating site.

He said he is from Arizona. His wife died in terrorist attack to "twin towers" when she was pregnant with his baby. His parents died in a car accident in 2009. He said he has a house in Arizona near the forest. In Libya he was on mission connected with ISIS. He deleted his profile when we began to chat by e-mail. When he told me his story about "the mission", gold, and began to beg me to send a request I began to search some information in google and found your site. Thank you a lot! He didn't asked for money, maybe because I understood everything quickly. I blocked him everywhere.

Alfred Milligan - - chat log:

Hello my dear,i am glad to see your messages.(...) i just finished my debriefing,and i have been redeployed to Libya in Africa for my next tour.i will be flying to the UN African regional Headquarters in Nigeria,and from there we will take the road to Libya,through several countries.i will leave the UK on wednesday for Africa.

ok,my trip to Nigeria will be by air,then the next day we will proceed to Libya by road,it will take two days and within that time i do not think i will be able to communicate with you through the computer.when i get to Libya i will send you a message surely.but when i am in the base i do not know if i can be coming online as frequently as this.i only pray i am posted to the computer room so i can have access to the computers and continue to chat with you.i will miss you a lot.

Hello dear,how are you.we arrived safely in Nigeria about two hours ago.i have settled down and done my
necessary clearance.i am so glad to be talking to you..and i too could not stop thinking about you.i also had
miracle today.without my request,i was told i will be posted to the computer room when we get to Libya,this means
i will have access to a computer and we will keep in contact all through my tour.i am very happy for this,i asked
God for a sign to know if you are the one for me,and i think this is the sign i asked for.i thought about you on my
flight,and i even discussed about you to my friend Kenneth.i sincerely feel inside of me that we will have a very
long story together.

I honestly hope for a miracle.All the while i have been in the army,the Army has been my family,and i never look forward to leaving,i sometimes spend my holidays on the base wherever i have been posted or i travel.Or when
my friend and my superior kenneth insists that i travel,i go to America,and report to our camps there,that is where i
spend my holidays.but talking to you now,i suddenly feel homesick.i honestly hope and pray for a miracle to let me
see you,because i do not think i can wait for too long to see you.i have not seen you before but i miss you honey.

Hello honey,i am alive and recovering.i was shot..i will contact you when next i can,i am still in recovery and under close surveillance..i love you baby

Two marines died,but the mission was overall successful,we got who we went for.we were shot because we went in deeper into their main building,and we did not leave when the call was made to leave because we discovered
some secrets,me and my team..i was in surgery,and i have been healing all this while,i am very sorry i kept you
worried honey..i could not have access to the computer room,even now,i just begged my replacement to give me a
chance to chat with my fiance,that is how i can chat with you now.

I am in the clinic here on the base,but the rest of my injured team mates went home to America to recover.I am almost alone in the clinic have you been honey?how is work?

Honey in the US Millitary you cannot just leave while your time for tour has not finished,my team mates left
because their families put in leave requests for them,and it was approved.i have no family to request for me so i
am stuck here..

During the mission my team and i stumbled into an underground room,and we did not hear when the sound was
made to withdraw,because our radios had no network underground,so the rest of the troops pulled back leaving
me and my team.
Me and my team went into the Isis underground chambers,i saw a lot of horrible things done there,human
sacrifices are been made by the ISIS.but we also found some treasures.we took them but then the ISIS
reinforcements had come  and we were attacked and shot,we hid in a hole for a whole night before our teams
came back for us.but we did not return the treasures to our superiors..
We have shared it among ourselves and they have gone back to America with their portions,but i am getting
scared and worried with my own here.

Honey will you be ready to start a new life with me?to get married and move to America for healthcare,and we will return to xxx if you want to?i want to be your man legally and forever,to carry all your problems as mine so you have none at all?You have been strong for long,now please let me be your strength.

I just need you to be by my side and support me.i have not been able to find out how the leave application is
made,i heard you will write an email to our office in the UK,but i have not gotten the full details yet.i hope to get all
the information from my nurse tomorrow morning,and i will tell you what to do.i cannot wait to be with you and hold
your hands and comfort you,and make you smile honey.i love you so much my Queen.

I am not on duty yet,but i told you i asked my replacement in the computer room to give me a chance when he
can,so i can chat with you.he gave me that chance last night,and also now,i told him i have an important message
to relate to my wife,so he gave me the chance.I found out the e mail address you should write to for the leave
request.write a letter to them to grant a leave request for me,Lt.
Alfred S. Milligan.and follow their instructions should not take too long to are you
honey?how is your health?are you at work?please write me when you can,i miss you.i love you Baby.

Stolen pictures the scammer was using:

alfred.jpg (8.34 KiB) Viewed 6829 times


alfred2.jpg (6.7 KiB) Viewed 6829 times


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Unread postby Laugh2016 » Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:28 pm

I got the same guy , now using Thiago Morais Send this email, he said he lives in San Diego

It took me so much time to compose this..

I'm a member of the 82nd Airborne Divisions, 1-504th PIR in St Patrick Battalion, I'm with the UN Peace keeping force and with the Special Forces Operational detachment-Alpha team assigned to Company B, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne). I'm deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as a member of the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force.

I hope you are fine over there. However, I had this urge to hook up hence the deep sense of wanting a pure relationship has engineered this motive. To the best of my understanding about life, I have come to appreciate that every man of my class and status is created to fulfill his destiny with a fulfilling woman of your type irrespective of my current location of residence now.

I'm a single man without kids. I have been
struggling to
live my life with the hope that i will meet the woman of my dreams and raise a family with her or a woman that has kids so that we can bring them up together as a family. I was adopted when i was little by a Catholic priest, i never met my parents. My mom died after giving birth to me. I have no brother, sister, uncle or whatsoever relation (More reason I joined the military). Well I do not have anything much about me that's special, I'm looking for the true love, a woman that is honest, faithful, loving, and caring. A woman that will love me for who I am.

I don't really know what to say, but all I can say is that God knows everything. I don't smoke, i drink little not much, my hair color is blonde and my eyes are lite brown and am 6'2". I like making my woman happy and proud, I love big families too because i had none, I'm honest and sincere.

I do not believe in wasting my time or the other persons time because
life is too short.
I believe each person should be allowed to be who they are and to be free to give their best for each others mutual benefit. I do not like controlling women who do not communicate well and have agendas or excessive previous baggage. I like a woman who I can have a good conversation with and we can communicate in a mutually beneficial way. I like healthy foods such as a good seafood, salad, I love the color brown. I like to snuggle when it rains or read a good books, reading any of the self-help books, listening to romantic music or 60's music and exercising, I also enjoy, boxing, football and swimming.

I'm a Christian. I like singing and I play several instruments, I play guitar, French horn, trumpet, oboe, and a little piano. I love kids & I treat all kids as if they are my own. I favor none but give my love & support to them & try to be the godly man I am supposed to be. Since I was a little boy, As far back as I
can remember I've always
cared for people even after they hurt me.

I love being in the great outdoors seeing the natural beauty God has given to us that others take advantage of. I love snuggling with the ones I love while watching a movie. I enjoy meeting others & making a difference in the lives of those around me. What makes me smile is seeing the one I love smiling & knowing I put that smile on her face.

My favorite rose is a purple rose, they are not as common as the other types. My favorite flowers are Stargazer lilies & lilac bushes. I don't like liars or shallow people. Other than that, I'm a person that likes pretty much everything... I'm easy going. I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know it's not good to keep them locked up. It's important to express to others that you care for them & are there to support & encourage. I love sharing sweet moments with the woman I love... it makes my heart

That's all about me.
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