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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Sep 30, 2019 10:34 pm

Hello my Angel, I hope that you have a wonderful day. That is very
important and well needed during those bad times. I'll give you my
phone number. But just call me during evening, because at night I
sleep and do not answer the phone. You can call on my cell phone
+79050086039. My dear i have to say that i love our connection so much
that i dont want to ever lose you. You have now become an important
part of my life. I have been looking for someone like you my whole
life. I now believe that i found you. I am not the best woman in the
world. That is something that each person have to decide. If i really
like something i always go that extra mile. You are worth that extra
mile. I am glad that i used the Russian site. Because would never have
met you. Here in Russia not so bad life. It is a beautiful place to
live. I have wanted to live there for most of my life. It has
beautiful beaches, shopping outlets, a mall plus move places. They
have nice parks and Good Schools. When you walk on the beach at night
you could feel the warm sand at your feet, hear the river and see a
full moon. Its times like this that make you feel alive. It helps to
reduce stress. That's why i love this place. I would very much like to
take you there. You must see it. As far as me i will never place you
in harms way. I will never try to break your heart. I am will to take
care of you . I will not or can not lie to you. This is what i would
love to do. It is still very young for you but i really,really love
writing with you. I dont ever want to lose that. I will be faithful,
honest and loving to the both of you. I give my word. Some times when
thing go real fast it not a bad thing it could be a good thing. So if
i maybe the guy on you marriage list just hold on to me. I will not
let go. Hope i did not talk to much. Those words came from my heart
and soul. I did not just say them...... Hope this does not run you
away. You are to good of a person to lose. And if you do run away
after you read this letter. It will break my heart. Hope to hear from
you soon. Love Yuliya




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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Oct 02, 2019 10:13 pm

Hello my Angel , Its good to here from you. I really miss when
you are unable to write me a letter but i do understand. This may
sound a little crazy but, its something that you have done to my soul.
I feel that you are already a part of me and i know that it is still a
new start for us. We are learning more and more each day. I want you
to know that i have fallen for you. If you said the word to me that
you want us to be. It will be. If i can have you in my life i will
deal with a long distance relationship until i come to you. Very
soon!!! You are on my mind so much that it is very important for you
to be in my life. I will provide for you . I will give you love,
affection, protection and support. Theses are the things that you want
as well.Both of us have been through this marriage thing already. We
will now do things better because we have learned from our mistakes.
When i said on day one that i was looking for a serious relationship.
That is true. I will prove that to you. In a lot of cases woman say
this. I do not and what makes it even better is that i am really taken
by you. Even as we are early in our friendship. If you say to me right
now that you want me and for me to only want you and attach to you. I
will do that. Even if we are a world apart right now.I know you are
worth my time. Just one word from you. I will change things around.
For now i end. Write you soon. Love Yuliya.


The next two images have been mirrored as the hat says "Everlast"


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Unread postby Big Al » Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:17 pm

Hello my Angel, I enjoyed reading your letter today. It gave
me the support and love i needed. You stated that we were close but
not together. You are right. I want you to know. That we both want
this. We are going to be together very soon. When a husband leaves his
wife to go to war, they are only separated by their flesh . Their
minds are still as one. It takes our strength and love to hold us
together as one. You have that love and strength . I also have it. We
can make our dreams come true because of it. The thing that helps the
Army men hold on so strong is the writings of his family. We are going
to hold on to that same method. We are one unit. When i first came to
the Internet i never thought that i would find some one so special
like you. After our first letter i could feel your heart. You gave me
the hope that i needed to find i good man. I have found you. I say to
you that, i will be with you very, very soon. Once i am with you, we
will never again be apart . I promise this to you. You are my heart
now. I will not lose faith or love for you. I will not see another man
because of you. I feel connected as one unit with you. I only want
you. Never forget this my dear man. This i promise to you. You stated
from day one that you wanted affection, Love, Trust, honesty and
faith. I am and will give all of these to you. My dear you mean more
to me then you can ever imagine. We you wake up one morning and have a
feeling of something different going on in your body and mind, dont
worry. It will only be my love for you. Remember when you said that we
will grow into love one day. You are right. It will. I end for now my
love. Yuliya

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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:02 pm

Hello my dear ! I'm very happy that i write letter to you.
Because i miss you so much. Every time i think about you. Each minute
you in mind! ANd i'm so happy tha ti have such man in my life. You
know, that this is very hard to find right person for rest of
life.And now i have you in my life. And this is great! I'm so much
happy my dear. I'm full of emotion with you. I'm so happy that i have
you. I really dont know how this is every thing happen. And for me
already not important. Because you in my life. I wake up with things
about you. At morning, when i open my eyes, i want that you will be
with me!Dear, i never see you in real life. But for me this not
important. I'm happy that i have you. I trust to you. I know that you
will not hurt me. And of course i will never hurt you too. I know what
is when feeling hurt, when heart is broken. And i want that our
relationship will based on few things - feelings and trust. This is
all what i as you. Nothing more. Because for me this is very
important. I know that you also afraid this is. And may be this is
fate that i met you. I was have bad experience and you too. And now we
are together. We write letters! Great. I belive that this is was must
happen! And i'm so happy about this. I send to you many kisses. But i
want to give kiss in your real lips. Yuliya


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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:24 pm

Hello my dear !!! I really belive that every thing good with
you. I write to you this is letter. I want say that today i was sleep
not so good. Do you know why? I was have big wish to sleep. But all my
thought was about you and about day when i will be with you. I was ask
my self, do i really want it. And my answer - yes! I really want it. I
love our communication. But now i dream about day when i will see you
in real life. I want it! I want to see you in real life, i want to
kiss you in real life. I want that you will hold me in your hands. My
dear, i want say to you one very important for me thing. In my sexual
life i was have only one man. I'm not woman who was have many
different man. I dont like it. I was already write t you that i'm
one-man-woman. And this is mean that my soul for you, and my body for
you. Not one man more. My dear for me this is very important. I will
was not make love more that 1 year. And this is true. And now for me
very hard, i hope you understand. I'm really happy that i was met you.
Because now in my life i have you. This is really pity that you are so
far away. I know that we will be together. Because you want it,
because i want it. I want to feel taste of your lips on mine in
reality. I want that you will kiss my neck. I want be in your arms. My
dear for me more important that i love your inside, i love your soul.
I want ask you. Do you want me in your real life? I wait your answer.
Kiss you, Yuliya.

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Unread postby Big Al » Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:56 pm

Hello my Angel, how are you? I hope you sleep well tonight. It is
16:14 in my city. I am thinking of you. I can't wait to see you.
That's all i have wanted to do in the last weeks.I want you to know
that i am working on trying to be with you. I have been working on
very important things that have to be taken care of. Its kind of a
must. I also start class. Every time when i'm at work i think about
you.Don't worry i do my class this time on the computer. To tell you
more, there are very few things that i really want in my life right
now. The main thing is you. I want you with me really bad. I do mean
BAD. Its hard for me to say but, when i thought about people being
able to fall in love with someone they never met. I did not think that
could happen. I now know that it can because it happen to me. I really
think that i have fallen in love. Its really strange because we only
write and never see each other in real life. My love, my heart and
mind has really fallen overboard for you. I have never felt this way
before in my life. I love this feeling. Its not just talk. Its real. I
hope you have that same feeling. I want you my love and i want it to
strong! One more thing. I dont love you for your looks. I love you for
your heart I got to know. I plan to show you when we get together. A
soul can tell you all you ever want to know. I write you a love
because i feel you in my soul. Dont really know how. It just happened.
Your Russian woman Yuliya.


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Unread postby Big Al » Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:50 pm

Hello my dear, , how are you?. I hope you a wonderful time
today. I am going to visit my mother is a few hours. I told her how
much i really like you and how good you make me feel. She knows about
the problems my x -boyfriend and i had. She too is happy that i have
found someone that lights up my life. You do that very well. If i was
with you now i would be at peace. I need to see your wonderful smile
and feel your soft skin, i want to be in your arms. When i was in high
school i would always see this wonderful world and great husband. The
only problem is that i never found that great man. I only found i man
that i was had relationship who did not love me truly. I am ready to
change my life. It has changed in the last few week with you being a
part of it. I am loving each day. When i read you letter you said that
it did not matter how the weather was outside because i was your Sun.
I really like that. It made me feel wonderful. My love i miss you
every day. I have to come to you very soon. I need to hold you in my
arms and not let go. You are very special to me. I can never give you
up. I know i have your spirit and heart but i have to hold your body
in my arms. I can only imagine how you look when we go to bed at
night. I love your natural you. You have very beautiful soul. Let me
know my love. I miss you. Love Yuliya.

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Unread postby Big Al » Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:53 pm

Hello my love , I really, really love to read your letters
and write with you. You give me such a Wonderful feeling of love. When
i read your letter, you gave me smile and feelings that you need me!
My dear , you say that you want to be with me and i really want to be
with you. I can not even tell you how much. I am very judgmental about
whom i date, will always have to have a feeling that gets my heart.
When we first met on our writings you gave me a feeling no one has
given me before. My Angel i need to ask you one major question. It is
very important. There are a lot of artist on the internet,they just
play some games.I am not one of them,i am very real. My intent is very
real. I need to know if i am the woman of your dreams and if you
really want to be with me? I am a woman who does know what he want and
most of the time gets it. If you really and i do mean really want me
with you say YES. If you do i will come to you, soon. If you truly
want this i need your answer. This is Very, Very Important. I really
want you with me. Let me know how you feel. Love Yuliya.



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Unread postby Big Al » Fri Oct 11, 2019 1:33 am

Hello my dear !!! I'm so glad that i can write letter to
you.Because at this moment with all my hear and all my soul i'm with
you. And i really think a lot of time about you! All day you in my
hear and my mind. My dear i dont know how this say to you. But i'm
happy with you. And i dont now what i need to do, that i can be
together with you. You was give to me a lot of feelings. You make me
happy! My dear i have this feelings just because you came to my life.
My dear i will agree to spend holiday with you! I will have after 2
weeks. I think its will be enough for you to prepare. My dear i will
have 4 week vacation And i belive that we can spend good time
together! I already image how we can walk together, i have smile in my
face and in my eyes you can see happy light! I will not released your
hand from mine. My dear we will go to part, to cinema. I will show to
you different places here. I think you can to know my natives and
friends. I want it! 4 weeks we can spend with you, but if you will
came to Russia just fro 2 weeks its also will be great. My dear, i
want that you will be my man, and i will be your woman. Oh my dear,
you dont know how much i miss you. My dear i want say to you a lot of
words! I need you in my life! And i want be part of your life too.
Because you are the best man, you make me happy. I wish you good time.
And i wait your answer. About my vacation. Remember after 2 weeks, i
will have 4 weeks holiday. Kiss you and i love you. Yuliya

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Unread postby Big Al » Sat Oct 12, 2019 12:34 am

Hello my dear !!! I'm so happy to read your letter! Like every
time. My dear, you know already that i have very tender and calm
feelings to you. I don’t understand why you gave me a phone that is
always off. Give me the phone number I can call and which is on !!! I
love each word in your letter.My dear a lot of time i think about you,
think about day when we can be together. I dream about this. And your
words was make me so happy. I'm happy that we want the same thing.
Because i my last relationship its was so different. You dont now how
much i'm happy to met you. You was change my life and this is great. I
was talking today with my mum about our relationship. And she so happy
for us. My dear, she was say that i need say Russian hello from her.
She say to me, that she worry about me. I say that we dont have any
reason to worry. Because i love you and i have you in my life. Tonight
i was think that i also want to see your country. I want to se how you
living there, your friend and natives. What you thin about this? How
you such idea - we go together to your friends? Or we will be at home
and i will make very tasty supper and we will call your natives. What
you think? i can very good cook! But of course i want cook for you my
dear. I want make your life happy. And i'm sure that you will make
with happy my life also. My dear your are so far away from me. My dear
i really want to see you and your home. To be with you there. But i
dont now what to do now. My dear what is the best plan? Because i
really want to spend with you my vacation. I will be happy came to you
also. Please write to me what you think. But remember, that you in my
heart.And first what i will do, when i will see you - give so gentle
kiss in your lips. You Russian lady Yuliya


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