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Unread postby Big Al » Wed May 22, 2024 6:58 pm

From: Milana <>
Date: Mon, May 13, 2024
Subject: ! I am happy that you have written to me!!!

Hi my dear friend, !!!! I am very glad that you have written. Many thanks.
You have again raised my mood and have placed a happy smile into my face.
You said you cant swim? Oh, I can teach you. I think it would be very
cheerful! I think that not able to swim a man in the water not less erotic
thing, than a woman in the water (smile).
By the way , today I went to job being absolutely confident
that your letter waits for me. Earlier I always went with thought that you
probably yet have not written, but today for the first time I went with thought
that your letter already waits for me. I went along the street with the smile
on my face. I could not hide my smile. People that went past of me looked back
and looked at me. Here already many employees know that I have found such a
wonderful friend, and nobody is surprised that my friend lives in other
country. Everybody only are glad. Nobody here is surprised if the woman
searches for not Russian man. I think the cultural distinction is a wonderful
thing. I don't understand Russian men and their culture of dialogue with woman.
They are not able to appreciate woman's feelings, her fidelity, love. They do
not appreciate sincerity and aspiration of woman to do for a man absolutely
everything. The only thing she need - the warmth and caress, which she wants to
get from a man. It is the problem of Russian men. Russian lady does everything
for a man but doesn't get anything from him. All what she needs is at least a
couple of tender words and gentle touching of his arms. Really it is so
difficult? Really it is difficult to present for your lady a romantic evening
and a supper with candles? In Russia as a rule such gift give lady to man, but
not man to lady. You say that I am beautiful. In Russia I am not considered
like a beautiful lady. I am usual and simple woman with usual appearance.
Russian men, practically all of them, usually show disrespect to ladies. They
consider that woman only have to work, to cook, to wash cloths and entertain a
man when he wants. For Russian man to offend a woman is a usual thing. I like
to cook and to wash cloths but sometimes I would like to receive simple caress,
love and attention. I don't want to offend all men. Of course there are good
men in Russia, but there are few of them. Men very often say dirty words (not
normative lexicon) when they talk with lady and consider that there is nothing
bad in it. I want to tell you about my ex-boyfriend. I feel that you will
understand me. I had boyfriend. We had good time together. He was kind. But he
liked to drink. When he got drunk he became an absolutely other person. He
talked with me by bad and dirty words. The time passed and his love to alcohol
became a habit. He became another person - rude and evil, even when did not
drink. He has found the big interest in beating of me. He began to beat me very
often and cruelly. He often knocked me in my face by fist and even kicked me by
foot when I already was on a floor. And every time when I being on a floor
looked in to his eyes, and with tears in my eyes asked him - WHY? - he just
responded that any man is a King and a place of any woman - under foot of a
true man. But the next day he smiled and talked with me as if nothing had
happened. In public he was very delicate, polite. All people considered that he
is a true gentleman. But when he found oneself at home, everything was on the
contrary. I very much was afraid of him and I have left him. My soul was
wounded very much. After this I couldn't make myself get acquainted with
another man. I don't trust Russian men. I am afraid to give my love, but back
to get roughness instead of love. I have told to you about it because I want
you to know that I open to you my soul. And I want you to know about my
ex-relationship with my ex-boyfriend. I feel that I can tell to you about this
because I feel that you have very kind heart. By the way, today Svetlana leaves
hospital! And though she will spend some more days at home, all the same it is
much better than in hospital. If you have disagreements with lady, can you
apply roughness? Are you able to transform quarrel into the peace, pleasure and
a smile? I hope my letter have not offended you in any way. I have to finish.
With all my kindness and tenderness.


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Unread postby Big Al » Wed May 22, 2024 7:20 pm

From: Milana <>
Date: Wed, May 15, 2024
Subject: Hi my good friend !

Hi, ! How is your mood? I hope that up to my letter your mood was fine,
but after my letter your mood became superfine (smile) Likely I am too
self-confident. But I am happy if I receive your letter.
I so waited for this minute,- when I can write to you. Our friendship became
the important part of my life, and I hope that in your life as well. Sometimes
I understand that the thread that connects me with you now is not most strong.
But I do not want this thread to be torn. Right now I sit and I smile simply
because I am glad that again I can to share with you my thoughts. Sometimes I
so want you to see my smile during the similar moment because I think it is the
most sincere smile! But sometimes my smile leaves me because I know that now
the only thing that connects us is our thoughts, that we send to each other,-
thoughts, transformed into a letters that are not able to show all depth of
thoughts. But at the same time I understand that nobody knows what waits for us
in the future. I hope my words do not offend you and maybe you even think just as I...
Thanks for all your words. I am very glad that you have expressed to
me your opinion. It is pleasant for me to realize that I have a friend - a
true man. I really do not understand how people can be very angry if they
love each other. I do not remember when at last time I became angry. I do
not like to be angry and I do not like to quarrel. I know absolutely
precisely that any disagreements can be solved with a smile on the face. I
try never to raise a voice. To force me to cry easier than to make me mad.
I like to conciliate people and when my friends in the quarrel, I always
act as conciliator. When I am upset, it can be understood on my eyes.
Svetlana says that when I am upset, I have such sad eyes that after
looking at me she wants to cry. Probably it is the truth because when I am
upset, everyone notices it. I become silent and imperceptible. I as always
talk with people, I smile, but all the same everyone see that something
wrong with me. To carry quarrel into the bed or to leave problem on
tomorrow 's day is wrong. I never would do that. I never can be in a
disagreement more than several minutes. I feel very much not comfortably
if I am in a disagreement. Therefore I always try to reconcile at once.
If people love each other and respect feelings and interests of each other,
I am sure that serious disagreements cannot be the case. I always take
into account an opinion of other people; therefore I very seldom have
disagreements with somebody. I respect any mind. And I am sure that
any quarrel can be discussed simply in quiet conversation. It is enough
to express your opinion and attentively and respectfully to listen to opinion
of your beloved. And the decision will come. And what can be more pleasant
than a soft kiss after a short disagreement? Really?
In Russia, Mother's Day is in November. I miss my mother very much...
How nice it is to know that you are a caring man!
Tomorrow difficult day waits for me. Probably tomorrow I will work
outside of clinic. We call it - "the ride working day". Svetlana also goes with
us. She already is completely healthy and begins work. It is difficult day. At
this day several doctors and specialists of our clinic are going on the special
medical bus to various remote small settlements, small villages in a thicket of
the forest. These are poor villages which are located far away from the big
cities and settlements. In these villages there are no doctors and clinics and
people cannot visit clinic at any moment. In such villages there is always a
lot of people who need the doctor but cannot reach clinic by self. Often it is
a people who are not able to live without help of other people, - basically are
small children or old and weak feeble people. We go in these villages on the
bus with all necessary equipment. People in these villages love us and wait
more than anything. But it is really the hard work if to take into account that
we are going there at 6 am, and we come back sometimes even after 10 pm! But I
will wait your letter because our friendship gives force to me, and our
dialogue is a rest for my soul! My dear friend ! I have to go!
Sincerely and with thoughts about you.

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Unread postby Big Al » Wed May 22, 2024 7:55 pm

From: Milana <>
Date: Fri, May 17, 2024
Subject: My sing for you...

Hi my dear ! Today is a fine day. Already in the morning I knew that I
today I will get an opportunity to write to you. And all the rest become
unimportant for me. Today I really haven't opportunity to write much. Please
forgive me. But I have enough time to tell to you that I thought of you and
waited when I will get opportunity to write you.
And I have time to tell the main thing. I do not know why, but today I
have woken up earlier than usually. I could not fall asleep again. I simply sat
near window and looked at the sky. Suddenly, a small birdie appeared on my
window. It was very beautiful birdie. This birdie looked at me, and started to
twitter. It was so unusually and beautifully. It was a beautiful song. I looked
at this small birdie and thought, that you now somewhere far away;
maybe you sleep and see me in your sleep-dream. And I so wanted you to see this
small birdie and to hear her delightful song. And I have whispered: "Fly off,
my little birdie, fly to my friend , and tell to him that one girl,
that is so far away, thinks of him and sends to him this song. And at this
moment the birdie has flinched and flew away as if this birdie has heard my
words! And I have thought, if today you will see a small birdie
singing beautiful song, - be sure that it is my birdie I sent to you! Forgive
me, but I have to go. I want to send you my kiss if you do not mind.
Your Milana.

P.S. I have a surprise for you. I hope you enjoy one of my photos?
I have made this photo specially for you.


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Unread postby Big Al » Wed May 22, 2024 8:40 pm

From: Milana <>
Date: Mon, May 20, 2024
Subject: I hope you will be happy!!!

Hi ! Your letter means so much for me. Thank you. I so wait for your
letters and so demanded to learn that you will tell to me.
In a previous letter I sent you a special picture with the text. I tried to make
to you pleasantly. You have received it? You have not given comments.
, today I write to you with special worry but as well with
pleasure and hope. I really hope that everything that I will tell you today
will make you happy. Last time when I wrote you my honest letter I had the big
sadness in my heart, and even though I tried to not show it, I think you have
noticed it. , I was sad because the boss informed me that approximately
in three weeks the accounting department will be closed for full re-equipment
and repair. And when he have told me it, I thought my heart will stop, because
when it will take place, I will not be able to communicate with you during
several months! And it has brought infinite sadness into my heart. But after my
boss informed me about close of accounting department, the accounting
department informed me that approximately in three weeks I will get my
vacation! When I thought that I can lose you for some months, inside my soul I
at once have felt that I can't simply accept it. And I have felt that together
with sadness in my heart has appeared an other feeling - feeling of confidence,
desire to make new steps instead of simply waiting for something. I have
understood that our relations are important for me much more than I thought.
And it so wonderfully. I had no vacation for two years. And now I will have
vacation. But a thoughts that I will not be able to communicate with you, to
receive your letters and to write mine,- all these thoughts has brought a pain
to me, pain that I can't endure. I talked with Svetlana and she has asked me what
I think to do. And when she has asked me it, I have understood that inside my
soul I already know the answer to this question. And I have told that I do not
want to spend such a long-awaited vacation in loneliness. I can't accept a
thought that I will not talk to you during of month or two. And I have
told that I want to meet you ! I have told her that I want to spend my
vacation with you ! I can come to you, and we can spend time together
if you want. And first I was afraid that if I will tell you about it in the
letter, you will write me that you do not want to see me or can not meet me.
And it would hurt my heart. But Svetlana have told, that you and I are
such a good friends, our relations are built on sincerity, therefore
will be happy to spend time with me. And I really think that it would be
delightfully. So, what you will say, , if I will offer you a meeting?
Would you be happy to see me and to spend with me several days? I cannot
imagine at all how it would be wonderful. You would show me your life, we would
learn each other in a real life. We would look into the eyes of each other, we
could hold our hands, tell each other silly stories, laugh and tease each
other, watch the stars in the night sky and have romantic evening, go to the
movie or we could simply sit on a bench in the park, and who knows what else we
could do together... I would be happy to do all this together with you, instead
of again be lonely without you and our friendship. I simply want to meet you. I
already knew and I have been told earlier, but I have found out again all I
need to do to come to your country. I already have the passport. And I will
avoid usual procedure of visa's approval. Being the doctor, I can ask the visa
on behalf of our Ministry of Health, because if the applicant have good
official support from official bodies, if the applicant have official
recommendations and directions to various sorts of conference, seminars, - it
will relieve of necessity to wait for some months the decision of the
commission, and will remove all problems connected with necessity to prove that
the purpose of travel is not emigration. Being the doctor I will have support
and guarantees from Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, and it is
certainly the best guarantor. Of course I must visit improbable quantity of the
departments, to collect improbable quantity of documents, to find as many as
possibly of other official legal persons, institutions and people for support;
to get petitions. But if I will quickly collect all necessary documents, I will
get the visa in one or two weeks! So I have filed an application for the visa,
, with happiness and with hope that you will be happy to spend some
days with me! I do not ask you about anything. I will use my monetary savings
and I will make everything by self. It is my vacation and I will not be a
burden. Would you be happy to spend some days with me soon, ? Anyway,
we must meet. It is possible to wait eternally. But I believe that I will get
my vacation not accidentally; and I believe that the accounting department will
be closed at the same time not accidentally as well. It is not coincidence! It
is time to make a choice, to make the decision, to take new step. Maybe such
opportunity will not be repeated again. I so long waited my vacation and I want
my vacation to be especial. What can be better than a meeting of two friends?
The first meeting. It is simply delightful and I thank destiny that I have got
such an opportunity,- an opportunity to meet my dear friend, the opportunity to
learn each other in real life, the opportunity to enjoy time which we can spend
together. And I believe that it can become the beginning of something new in
our lifes and in our relations. And I am really happy to get a vacation because
it is time which I can spend in any way I want, and I want to spend this
vacation with you ! So what will you tell? Would you like to spend time
with me? Would you be glad to meet me? Would you be happy to have the first
meeting at your airport? I will wait for your answer with pleasure. Your
sincere Milana.

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Unread postby Big Al » Fri May 24, 2024 10:28 am

From: Milana <>
Date: Thu, May 23, 2024
Subject: I don't want to lose touch with you ...

My dear! Of course, your letter saddened me, I had tears in my eyes.
As soon as I got the chance to meet you, I let you know.
I thought that if we met, we would get to know each other even better.
Of course I understand. I also really want you to understand me.
The most difficult thing for me is that I will lose access to the computer.
I can't write you letters or read yours. Your letters make me happier,
and I want to sing and dance for joy. I don't know how I can do this.
I can go on living without you and without your letters.
And you want to deprive me of the only joy in my life?
The whole meaning of my existence is lost, my heart is broken into pieces.
My heart aches just because I know I could lose you.
In the time that we don't communicate, I will die without you and your letters.
I won't be able to constantly go to the city, to Internet cafes and write you letters.,
because I mostly work, and it's expensive for me.
I need to pay every time both for the road and for visiting an Internet cafe.
Of course, I always wanted a laptop. They are sold in the big city,
their price is 500 $USD. I wish I had a laptop to chat with you online.
I think that would be great. I once tried to get a Bank loan,
but I was turned down because I already have a mortgage on the house.
I was very upset at the time. Until I pay the mortgage in full,
I can't get a loan to buy a laptop. If I had a laptop, it would,
let me connect the Internet to my home.
I didn't even think about it until you came into my life. You can only imagine,
we could communicate every day! I was told that laptop have a camera,
so we can see each other. It would be great to see you every day,
admire you. Isn't it great to see each other? What do you think about it?
So that we don't lose each other and stop communicating,
before the next meeting, you can help me and send your help.
This way we could always be in touch with each other.
But I can pay you back within six months. If you don't agree,
everything will remain the same, I will write at work. Let me know,
if you can use Money Gram or Western Union. Svetlana used these systems,
when she sent her help to her parents in another city. She said it was fast and safe,
and money can be transferred anywhere in the world. Will you help me?
With love,
Your Milana.
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Unread postby Big Al » Sat May 25, 2024 9:35 am

From: Milana <>
Date: Fri, May 24, 2024
Subject: Hi my dear !

My dear, I cannot fly to you. My vacation was canceled. Also send me on training on
improvement of professional skill. I asked why now. But it turns out that our region has
been allocated a quota for free tuition. And they send me to Kazan State Medical University.
Within three months I will undergo training. Do not worry about my vacation. After
studying, I will get a vacation for a long period. I can meet you. Please do not lose me.
I will look for a place where I can write you letters. Most likely it will be a library.
I hope I will have time to write letters to you. I am very angry with my superiors.
I even wanted to write a letter of resignation. But me have persuaded that will lift my
salary and will give long holiday for a meeting with you.
I apologize to you for this situation.
With all love.
Your Milana!
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