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Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:08 am

Recived the following from

Aigerim :

Welcome;) I'm be lucky to see u! I am unmarried, not children;) I require for communicable mate. elegant miss is writing to you! I prefer a serious relationship. Where are you from and what do you want?


Gallery: ... egory/3550

Re: Aigerim

Mon Nov 28, 2022 2:25 pm


Hello xxxxxx!!!
Please send me your photo! I need to know who I'm talking to! I am
glad to receive a letter from you. I want to hear you more and I hope
to find a good friend. My name is Aigerim 36 of the year. I really
want to find a good friend, hope a companion during life Do you
understand me and we can correspond with you? i should like It's not
enough to communicate about yourself, for the first time I never met
through the Internet but I think to make an exception for myself. I
graduated from university, I am a children's pediatrician Clinic work
4 years. As my salary small, sometimes I sit in stock exchange Binance.
I really love nature. I live alone in the house in which
there are 2 rooms, I have a dog named Ball. I have a lot friends. I
really like spending free time with them. I am very pleased that I
have good friends ... I think friends are very important to everyone.
write me a little about yourself how are you, spend it for free the
time you love. I look forward to your reply. From Kazakhstan :)
Your friend Aigerim.



Re: Aigerim

Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:37 am


You have written the letter to me, it is very pleasant. Thanks, that
you have found, that minute has answered me. Sincerely conversation I
Could not hope for it. Write to me on this email. With that I had
problems. Thanks for sending the photo! You are very beautiful!!! :) I
do not know what to tell in my first letter because I never got
acquainted through the Internet before. It - something new and unusual
to me. But I shall try, write good letters to you. I assume, that you
will be capable to understand mine Words also that I shall tell to
you. I think, that will be correct if I start to speak you about mine
all over again because it was I Who started to write. I am not
confident, that you will love my letters, that they will be
interesting to you but if it will not be so You will write to me about
it. Well? Probably you will be surprised, that I do not live in your
country. But I hope, that it does not shake You. Same I similarly to
many other ladies in other countries in the world. I am a usual woman
who has hands, legs, main a Heart which is the most important. I
think, that my heart is very sensitive. I hope, that you will
understand it from my letters. I shall be very happy, if the distance
between us does not do afraid you, and you will answer me. Please not
be too strict to My mistakes in words, the English language - not my
native language. But I Assume, that I know it well. Well, my name -
Aigerim, as you To know. You can name me as you like. I shall not be
disappointed. To me of 36 years. My birthday - on 28-th of May. I was
Given birth in 1986. My height - 172 see. My weight - 48 kg. I live in
city Esik. Esik known city of Kazakhstan. Esik - very much beutive
city. I assume, that you would like city if you saw it. I dreamed to
become an actress in my childhood. Probably it - dream of many girls.
But my dream did not become true. It is serious The validity of a
life. I have finished medical university. My formation will consist of
3 levels: school, college, university. I Studied within 18 years. All
18 years I have studied the English language also. I have finished
university in age 25. How to me gave with a medal for excellent
results during my studying. Do not think, that I brag (Smile). Than I
worked as the second children's pediatrician in small clinic within 4
years. It was very much intresting and in the same Time responsable. I
was happy to give health of people, to help them. Many things depend
on me during actions. I think in The future I will be capable the
children's pediatrician to become independent. You think, what it -
good dream? Probably that I shall work in Clinic, as the basic
children's pediatrician. Now I have the small house with a small
garden. I live one for this reason I am not capable to Work in a
garden it is constant. But however my garden is very beautiful and
pleasant. I like to raise flowers because They the most beautiful
which have been created by the nature. I live one, I have no neither
children, nor the boyfriend. Sometimes I Feel like very lonely in my
house. Perhaps, for this reason I have decided to get acquainted with
you. To me already 35, also I take a life philosophically. I have the
house, work, friends, but I cannot tell, that I am happy. I have was
not present Many who I can my best half. I have written to you all
over again, it means, that I can divide my ideas and feelings with
you. I hope, that you will not be Laughter. And we shall write many
letters to each other. I am very pleased and grateful, that you have
answered my letter, because I Decided to try to get acquainted through
the Internet only once. And it was a miracle for me when you have
written to me the letter. If it Was not, so I shall never try to do
friends through e-mail once again. I never get acquainted before in
such a way. I cannot Understand completely as it works because I have
no computer. I - only beginer in work of the Internet. But I hope,
that I shall be Be capable to write to you constantly. I hope, that
you are interested in our dialogue, as I. I would like to ask you some
questions. If you do not want to answer them, you could not to make
it, I shall not be offended. What do you do? What your trade? Make you
Similarly to this? Who - nambers your family? I ask to tell it in more
detail. With whom you live? You can tell to me About all of you, that
you want. I shall be pleased to know all about your life. It - only
female curiosity. The hope will not offend it You. I understand, that
tastes differ, but I hope, that my image will be pleasant for you. But
I should tell, That I cannot receive the big files. I shall have
trouble. As I use a computer on work. I hope, that you will write to
me soon. I thank you Beforehand. With the best regards. With the best
regards. Aigerim.




Re: Aigerim

Thu Dec 01, 2022 8:12 pm


Hello XXXXXXX!!!
How - you today? I hope, that all - is good. I also am happy today
because I have the letter from you. I have written to me! I very
happy. Thank you for talking about yourself! I was glad to hear
something new about you! I am pleased to read your letter in which you
tell me about yourself! Now I work, and I write the letter to you.
Last time I have not had time to add to you the letter. I hope this
time to me will not prevent to make it. And so. I did not write to you
about my family. But I think that you should know about it, and now I
am going to make it. I have been given birth also dews to Esik. Now I
live here. I do not make remember my father because he did not live
with us. I was grown only by my mother. We were the best friends on
the ground, we were very much the friend close to the friend. But my
mum had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died in 2007. Year was
horrable for me. I, though I was the unique person on the whole
planet. It was awful and incredible. I could not understand it for
long time. I was empty. It is difficult to imafine for ideas in my
head and my feelings. Even now I remember my mum very much frequently.
You know, that I had very happy childhood. My mum and I went in park
together. We play together various games. We spoke much. Only than,
several years I started to understand last, that she felt qulity
because I had no father with me. But I have received news from other
people, that it was no mistake of my mother. My father (I cannot name
his "daddy") never loved my mum. Me has left her lonely when he has
learned, that my mum was the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for
her to bring up me, to feec me to buy me of a dress for this reason I
do not carry bosh. We lived only her tiny earnings. But we never
complained of our life - we have solved all problems together. But if
we were happy, that we tried to tell about our success to our
neighbours. My mum always spoke me, that I should marry the person
which I shall love. She adviced I to besure in the person before
movement to marry him. I think the same. I shall remember the moment
during long time. I shall never forget mine eyes of mother when my leg
has been broken also I couldn " t, go. Then we were far from our house
up to, collects berries. Only my mum and I. But she has taken me on
her hands and bore mine to our house. You can imagine it? To me there
were 12 years when my mum was carry of me duringan hour. I have
understood, that it was difficult to her, but she did not want to
leave me alone in a wood to go in the house, to ask whom - that the
help. She was afraid, that something awful happen with me in a wood. I
hope which you understand, that memory of my mum road for me. After
death of my mum I feel very much lonly because I have no neither
sisters, nor brothers. To be more exact, I have no any relatives. But
I have friends. They are Alina and Viktoriya. They are wonderful
girls. We can call us sisters because we have been friends for more
than 15 years and help each other. I am absolutely sure that if I ask
Alina, Victoria to help me, they will never refuse. Our installations
are very strong, Time has tested them. A year ago, Alina got married,
and her husband took her to his hometown. We write letters to each
other very often, but it's a pity that we can't see each other for the
most part. But Alina came to us in the spring. I've been talking a lot
all week, but it was too much moreover, we could not tell each other
about all the events. Now Victoria and I are waiting for the next
arrival of Alina Viktoriya, by the way, she is learning to photograph.
She takes my photos for me!!! And you, make you hawer such friends?
Also In the summer for entertainment I work in my small garden. I
raise flowers. But as a hobby it certainly flowers. Roses, orchids,
tulips, an aster and it is a lot of others. But main the place in a
garden has my favourite flowers, has raised also an orchid. The hope
you can sometime see it. It is a pity, I can write more. I hope, that
you will answer my letter. I also hope, that you are interested in our
connection. I shall tell to you more about my life in my ambassador of
letters. I think, that you are tolerant (smile). Aigerim.




Re: Aigerim

Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:53 pm


Hello XXXXX!
How are you? What is the weather like today in your country? I hope
all is well. Today it was small a Rain. But it did not last long. Now
the air is fresh outside and I'm glad that I can sit near the window
and write a letter to you. Today I have had a difficult day, but now
i'm free and I can spend my time writing you. Have you read my long
letter? In it I told you about my childhood, friends and parents. Have
you read it? Please find this letter. I think you'd like to see him.
Honestly, I had a relationship, but they ended badly. I no longer want
this experience repeated. This happens very often in Kazakhstan. Here
for men normally beat their own woman, change it. And also drink a lot
of vodka. For this, I want to find my love outside of Kazakhstan. I am
not on social networks. Including on Facebook. I decided to remove
social networks as they take a lot of time and I become dependent on
instagram and facebook. I don’t want me to live on social networks.
Therefore, I decided to remove them. Today it is cloudy outdoors
that's why I am in a lyrical mood. By the way I'm sorry for my
previous letter. It was sad. I did not want to make you disappointed.
I hope you did not get offended to my story about the mother. Well,
I'm in a good mood and I want to tell you about my hobbies. I like
listening to different music. It depends on my mood and feelings. I
like Russian composers such as Dunaevskiy and Chajkovsky. But I also
like listening to Mozart and Bach. I think they are great composers
and no body will surpass them. I like Joe Satriane as well. I suppose
he is a magnificent guitar player. I hope you agree with me. I like
the group “ Dire Straits ” very much. I like “ Pink Floyd ”. They are
not similar to any others. There are a great number of popular
musicians abroad. But I remember Russians as well. May be you heard
about the Russian group "Spleen" or "Chaif." But I think the most
famous Russian group abroad is “ Gorky Park ”. Probably you've heard
about it. They had a great success at the beginning of 90s. By the way
I like going to the cinema very much. I like Russian directors such as
Tarkovsky, Konchalovsky and Mihalkov. Now days a lot of foreign films
are on the screen in Kazakhstan. Foreign cinema is widely spread in
Kazakhstan. I like such old American films as Gladiator, Brave Heart.
Mel Gibson is a good actor. New films are also interesting to me. I
have seen “ The chronicles of Riddick ” and “ Another vs Predator ”
recently. I liked it. I have some favourite shows. For example -
"Wildlife" from BBC. They show the most beautiful views of nature and
animals. I like to watch programs about nature and animals very mach.
I also prefer to watch NBA games. They are fantastic shows. But
unfortunately NBA games are not very often shown on Russian TV.
Criminal programs have the biggest rating on TV, because here TV
reporters tell about crimes occurring during a day or a week, they
tell about leaders and authorities of criminal business in Kazakhstan,
juvenile murderers and racists, addicts, maniacs, etc. You know the
level of crimes is extremely high in Kazakhstan. The majority of our
country like to watch these programs. But I hate to do it. I prefer to
watch some musical and entertaining shows, and as a rule they are our
(Kazakhstan) programs and of course they are not known to you. Now you
think that I spend my time in front of the TV screen with my mouth
full of popcorn and it takes me the whole day (smile.) But it's not
true. Actually I watch TV very seldom, once in a blue moon. I have no
time and forces to do it. My health is the most important thing for
me. I do not boast. My health is really good, and I always try to be
in a good form. I jag every morning, try to spend as much times as
possible in the open air. I have no car and I take a bus or whatever
(I mean transport) very seldom. I take cold - not shower. I have been
living in the conditions of rather cold winters and damp autumn since
my childhood. Such king of climate helps to toughen my health. I do
not smoke and do not take alcoholic drinks. I prefer a healthy way of
life and I'm proud of it. Sewing and knitting are my hobbies if it's
possible to say so. I also like to spend my free time gardening and
gathering much rooms and berries. I love to ski and to skate in
winter. I can speak about my hobbies for a long time. But I also want
to say that I do not like some things. I do not like artful and
envious people. I hate when somebody lies and deceives. I do not love
cruelty and roughness. I'm not interested in people, who prefer to
spend their time drinking alcohol a lot. I also do not like bad
untasty meal and cloudy days (smile.) XXXXXX I shall be glad, if you
tell about you many various things for me. I want to know about you
more and more. Because you my FRIEND. You agree? Friends always should
know well each other.

Your friend Aigerim.



Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:11 pm

Howdy Darling,
I`m from Kazakhstan.
Сan i ask you, in what the country you live?
My intention of writing to you is actually to access the right guy, I really never given up looking and so I decided to achieve this by going online.
Being down to earth retains me content, with a humorousness, and transparency, I always tell exactly how i think without camouflaging something, love to prepare a meal, and im family oriented moreover friends and neighbors say i'm just a lot of fun to be with, hope that it is a fact)
I need to find some love and i am hoping it's possible once I find the right guy.
A whole lot to fit in single email, so feel free to text a response if you feel you can be the proper person, I can't wait to learn about your life.
Send your answer to my address:
All The Best,


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