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This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.
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Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:38 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 24 March 2016
Subject: Hi my xxx

Hi my xxx,

The day is wonderful today and I’m in high spirits and how are you? I
hope all is well.

Yesterday I was in a bad mood. It was rain all day long. I’ve already
told you that I live in my own house. It’s very beautiful and
comfortable, but it’s too old. I’m disappointed that during the rain
water goes through the aperture in the roof and makes the house full
of water. I asked a specialist’s help, and he tried to repair some
parts of the roof for many times but it didn’t help, because it’s
necessary to repair the whole roof, I have to change the roof. And
yesterday I come to the conclusion that I have to do it as soon as
possible. My girlfriend Marina promised me to help. She always helps
me. I’m very glad to have such a girlfriend. She is very close to me
and we often spend time together. Marina says that I need a man who
will help me and who will really love me. You know I really feel
lonely very often but I believe in god luck. I believe in God, he
always helps.

I don’t remember if I told you or not about my dog. Its name is Chipa.
He the boy. To him 2 years. It is very handsome. I like to play with
it, I like to feed it, so I like to take care of it. Chipa is very
tender, and it loves me too. Every evening it meets me near the house.
You will laugh at me, but I must be sure that somebody or something
waits for me in the house, no matter if it’s just my dog. I heard if a
person has a pet in a house and if he takes a good care of it the
person is a very good house keeper. Marina has a dog at home too, and
our dog like to play together. But sometimes dog fight. I’m sorry that
I pay too much attention to it in my letters and may be you are not
interested in it at all, but I want to tell you about the dearest
living being in my life.

Not so long ago I was in a cinema. Because this session began late. I
and Marina looked “Wedding Weekend”. This very entertainment american
movie. I like this movie. Marina was delight also. After arrival from
cinema I to cook my favorite a dish - pancakes. I made it with jam a
gooseberry. Very tasty. It's a pity, that I cannot treat you. Probably
during week I will prepare for future house repair. I’ll look for
people who will help me with it. I imagine my house after repair It
will be very cosy and nice, if everything will go well. I’m sorry,
probably my letter is sad but I think you’ll be interested in thoughts
and feelings. I send you photos me with my favorite dog Chipa. You
have animals? You can send your joint photo? Tell me, if something
will be interesting for you. I’ll tell you it in detail. With best




From: Elena <>
Sent: 31 March 2016
Subject: I'm looking forward to learn you better

Hello How is your health? How is your mood? I'm looking forward to learn you better. This working day was really hard for me and I got really tired, but in spite of my mood I think that I'm due to write to you because. How was your day?????? I with impatience shall wait for your letter. Have a nice mood




Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:40 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 04 April 2016
Subject: Hi my xxx

Hi my xxx,

I'm very glad that you have written to me. I need your letters more
and more often. They make me happy. I was determined with work in
clinic! I shall be the surgeon. I shall soon have holidays, I shall
work as the senior surgeon. Hope, that you is glad for me because the
surgeon is my favorite trade.

Today I have been late for work. When I woke up in the morning, my
neighbor came to me. She is an old woman and she is a very good and
king woman. We address each other when we need something. Today she
came to me because she had a problem. The door to her house has been
broken and she couldn’t close it. She lives alone as well, her husband
died 5 years ago and now nobody is ready to help her. So, I went to
have a look at the door. We tried to repair it but we could do
nothing. I am a bad carpenter (smile). As it turned out something was
wrong with a lock, it was necessary to ask a specialist’s help. Klava
(this is my neighbor’s name) was very disappointed, what we could do,
we are women, and it was clear that a specialist’s help was necessary.
I tried to calm down my neighbor because she doesn’t feel well and
it’s very dangerous for her to be nervous. She had to be hospitalized,
but she refused to do it and now she has to take injections every day.
I promised to ask for a carpenter. In our clinic there is a man, who
is responsible for repair, if something is wrong with the clinic. He
drinks alcohol a lot, but he has “golden hands” (in Russia it means
that a person with “golden hands” can do all the things very good) I
want to ask him to help my neighbor with her door. I want that he
attempt to repair my roof. I do not know whether he will agree. I
shall hope for his help. I can’t find him now but as soon as I see him
I’ll ask. It is very important to help old people. More than it our
government doesn't treat old people well. Pensions are tiny. They
don’t get any social aid. Our medicine is not free of charge. Old
people have to spend all the money on medicines. Of course it is not
good, it’s unfair, unjust. But the economic situation in Russia is not
highly developed. Well I am not interested in politics but the
question about social aid is very important for me.

I do not remember I wrote to you about my diploma? I have the diploma
the Europe-standard. This diploma entitles to work as the doctor in
your country.

Your Elena…


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Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:42 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 05 April 2016
Subject: Hi my xxx

Hi my xxx,

You know, I need to tell you something. I think that friendship is very important in the relationships. Let me explain what I mean here. I think that passion and affection are very good, but two people that decide to be together need to know how deal with each other in everyday life. You know what I mean? And I think that friendship between them will help a lot. I would like to see a very good, I can say the best friend in my soul mate. I think that emotional connection is very important, so that two people will feel very comfortable with each other. How do you think?

When I am reading your letters xxx, I feel that you are honest and sincere with me, you are telling me a lot about you, so I want to give you the same thing. You know, I have a dream. I would like to find a true love, a special person who is going to love and take care of me and I will do the same for him. I want our love to be forever. I think that when I meet that special one I will give him all of my tenderness, care and love. And what is your dream? What do you want the most from life? Please, tell me. It will be very interesting for me to know what you are thinking and dreaming about.

You know xxx, I need to tell you something. I have never thought before that this is possible to find a very good friend, somebody special with the help of Internet. But now I can say that this happened to me, I’ve met you and it seems to me like I know you for a long time even though we exchanged only a few letters. Now I can say that there is a person in the world who understands me, my life position, whose dreams and intentions are close to mine. You should know that you are dear to my heart, I am always ready to listen, understand and try to help you if you need that. Ok, I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply!!!

I am thinking about you!!!
With tender hugs and kisses




Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:44 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 07 April 2016
Subject: Hi my xxx

Hi my xxx,

Now I'm writing to your letter and I'm happy. It's very pleasant that
I have such the close person as you are. It's a pity that you are far
from me. But I will hope that we will meet one day. I think we will be
glad to see each other when we know each other better. Marina asks me
about you every day. I say to her that I'm constantly thinking about

Earlier I didn't manage to find the carpenter. But today I have seen
him in the morning and I asked him to repair the door in the Klava
house. In the afternoon he came and said that he had done everything
and changed the lock. I thanked him but he said: "Never mind" because
he is always ready to help old people. My neighbor came a little bit
later and told me about the carpenter. It turned out that he refused
to take money for his work. Klava tried to give him some money but he
said that he would be offended if she didn't stop doing it. Klava
said: "He has gone with nothing". By the way he and his college will
repair my roof in the house. You know many people in Russia help other
people and don't take money for it, if they know that the people have
to money. I think it's the only good feature of character of the
Russian people which roots go to the old far USSR.

It's a pity that many Russian men became alcoholics. I remember that
many-many years ago my mum and I had to make a fence around our house.
But what could we do? Mum and I? When my mother came to a shop to buy
nails, three men asked her what for she needed nails. She told they
and they began laughing, when learnt that a young lady and her little
daughter wanted to do. They came to our house together with my mom and
everything was ready in the evening. They refused to take money. The
only thing we could do for them just to feed them with pancakes after
their work. By the way since that time it is my favorite food. One of
the man asked if the had something to paint the fence. My mum answered
that she would buy paint a little bit later. Next day in the morning
the 2 men came and they brought their own paint and painted the fence.
We wanted to pay them for it some money, but they refused. They said
that the paint was left after the painting of their fence.

Yesterday in the evening I was thinking of my future work in the
clinic. I'm happy that I will get my favorite job. I should not study,
because I have the diploma of the surgeon of the European standard. I
don't know how to spend this month, I don't want to waste my time
useless. I must think it over. Of course I will write letters to you.
But it will take only the part of my day. What to do in the rest? I
must find a decision. I hope, you are not sick and tired of my letter.
But I want to tell you much. I think you are not against of it,
because I suppose you are my closest the man of my heart. Don't forget
to write letters to me.

Your Elena.



Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:46 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 13 April 2016
Subject: Hi my xx

Hi my xx,

How are you? Today I've the big desire to write to you. Hope you don't
object? I do not know as you to answer your question because I never
travelled from Russia earlier and never thought over a trip so far
from my house. Certainly, when I have come to Internet cafe to start
to search to myself of the friend that I thought that once we will
need to meet and he will probably ask me to arrive to it, but I did
not think that it will be so soon. I thought that we need to learn at
first each other as it is possible is better. I know a little about
you and I think you so know about me a little. I think to us it is
necessary to think a little and then to solve and plan more seriously
ours with you I will meet my dear.

I suppose I can tell you about my bad experience in relations. If you
are not interested in it you may stop reading the letter. I won't be
offended. I think I can tell you the story because you have become
very very close to me recently. I hope you have an idea of the problem
with alcohol in Russia and I suppose you understand why I don't want
to look for a husband in Russia. Let's begin since the very first day
of the acquaintance. I worked in the clinic as a surgeon's assistant.
I was going home after my work but it began raining and I could not go
because I had left my umbrella at home. It was summer but never the
less I didn't want to get wet and to take a cold. I was standing under
the roof of the building waiting till the rain would stop. But the
rain was not going to stop and I wanted to go home in the rain. But a
young man was going in my direction with an umbrella. He saw that I
couldn't go with an umbrella and offered me to take his one. I asked
him: "And what about you?" He said that he would spend some time in
the clinic and may be the rain would stop soon. I asked how I would be
able to return him the umbrella. He said his address to me and his
name. His name is Vladimir. It was not far from the clinic. I wrote
down his address and promised to give him the umbrella the next day in
the evening. On my home I thanked the young man and asked the God to
stop the rain. But it was raining the whole night. I cursed myself
that I had taken the umbrella and that he was wet to the skin because
of me. I didn't sleep a wink at night. The next day in the clinic was
so long for me. I was looking forward to finishing my work to give the
umbrella back to Vladimir. I wanted to learn how he was. As soon as my
working day was over, I changed my working clothes and left my work.
Vladimir was standing at the door smiling. It turned out that he
remembered the time when my work was over. He came to meet me. I asked
about his health at once. He said that everything was all right. He
didn't get too wet because he was running home. Then we walked for a
long time. We talked a lot. My mum had died already and I was alone.
He was the dearest and the closest man in the world for me at that
time. He saw much of each other at time. But i didn't invite him my
house I wanted to check him. Once we were invited to a Birthday party
of his friend. I agreed to go to see his friends, as i wanted to know
more about him. Vladimir didn't drink even champagne. I thought it was
because of me, because I didn't drink as well. But his friends told me
that Vladimir really didn't drink alcohol. I liked Vladimir. I think
so did he. We became more than friends and he began to live in my
house. First 2 months we were very happy, we were on the seventh
heaven. But then he got a very good job. He became a lawyer. He made
much money. But he began drinking alcohol. At first a little bit -
then more and more. He didn't sleep at home at night. When he was
drunk he began beating me. I thought he change for the better, that he
would the same he had been before. But nothing changed. Once I was
beaten by him bitterly and left my house. He didn't come back 9 days.
Our friends told me that they had seen Vladimir with other girls. I
came to the conclusion that it was enough to bear it. When he came
back he even wasn't sorry and didn't apologize. I don't think that he
had forgotten that he had beaten me. I didn't say a word in the
evening. I started the talk in the morning when he was sober. So I
made him leave my house forever. He was shouting, screaming and he
even broke a photo in the frame where my mom and I were. I said to him
that I would call a police, well he had gone. Forever. Now I am happy
that I didn't marry him. Don’t want such relations once again. Almost
all Russian men drink alcohol a lot that's why I don't want to have
any relations with them. I suppose you understand me. I'm sorry my
letter is too long. But I wanted to show you what I am feeling.

I am very happy that I got acquainted with you. I hope our
communication will never stop. Marina has told to you "Hi". I have to
finish me letter. Thanks that you write me.

With all my heart, your Elena.

PS. By the way, I have overlooked to tell to you. Today carpenters
have repaired my roof. I am happy! It is very little necessary for the
lonely woman for happiness!!! (Smile) My roof was repaired by the same
carpenter who repaired Klava door.


Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:48 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 14 April 2016
Subject: Hello my dear xxx

Hello my dear xxx,

I would like to tell you that your letters bring me much joy and make
me happier day by day! You are the dearest man to my heart, I am
always looking forward to your letters. When I received your letter
today, I was very happy.

We are far away from each other now, but I am sure that we need each
other, I am sure that the fact that we’ve met was meant to be. Who
knows, maybe we are two halves of one? I can’t find words that can
describe my feelings to you, you are making me the happiest woman in
the world! I would like to thank you for your love and care, I know
that you are serious and sincere with me, from my side I’ll try to do
my best to make you happy. Because deep in my heart I feel that you
are a very special man who is dear to my heart so much!

I am finishing my letter to you and I will be looking forward to your

With hugs Elena...



Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:52 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 15 April 2016
Subject: Hello my dear xxx

Hello my dear xxx,

I always think about you, I need you a lot, you are always in my thoughts. The first thing that I do when I come internet cafe I check my e-mail and hope to receive a letter from you. I like your letters very much, I feel how sincere and serious you are to me. I can’t express my feelings to you, but if we meet you’ll see everything in my eyes, my joy, my happiness. Honey, when I look at your Letters I imagine our meeting, I would like you to know how much you mean to me, I am really happy that I’ve met you.

My sunshine, you know, I’d like to tell you that you’ve changed my life a lot, you are always in my thoughts. I am sure that we’ve met because God helped us, this is His present for us. You know, I am already afraid to lose you, lose our special connection that we have for now, I don’t know how my life is going to be without you, I can’t imagine it now. You’ve brought me so much joy and happiness, I trust you completely! I opened my heart to you and I would really like our relationships to be forever like it is now, like we are in the wonderful sweet dream!

I am finishing my letter to you now and I am waiting for your reply now!
With hugs,





Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:54 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 18 April 2016
Subject: Where are you? Did you forget about me?

Dearest, did you forget about me? How are you? Where are you now? What is going on in your life? Do you miss me? I miss you a lot. Your last letter was a few days ago. Is there free space in your heart for me? Will you love me? Tell me everything!!!!!! Do You make me sad letting me without any news from you and any attention. Please find strength and self-respect to answer to my questions. Be the man! Don’t make me sad and to be disappointed in you as man.

Your devoted Elena.

From: Elena <>
Sent: 20 April 2016
Subject: Hi my sunshine xxx

Hi my sunshine xxx,

How are you today? What is new with you? I am doing fine over here, thinking about you a lot. I was very glad to receive a letter from you. You know, that your letters always bring me joy. So I decided to come internet cafe and write you a letter right away, now I have a little bit more free time, so I can write you almost every day or every two days! This makes me feel better because I have got used to your letters and I miss you if I don t hear from you, you know?

I already spoke to you that I'm 30 years. My birthday on May, 27th. Today I went for a walk with my girlfriend Marina. We ve been walking in the park and you know I always had a thought how nice it could be if we (you and I) were walking together. How do you think, wouldn t it be nice?

You know xxx, I ve told you before that I wanted to find my true love, my soul mate, I think that I am very close to it now. I am very serious about you, there is only one thing left. Our meeting. This is very important, in my opinion. And this is the best way to learn much more about each other. I am dreaming about it, about the time we can see each other for the first time, look into each others eyes It s only my dreams for now, but I want all this to come true?

OK, I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking for your next letter very impatiently!!!

Have a great day and write back soon!
I miss you!



Sat Jun 04, 2016 10:56 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 29 April 2016
Subject: Hi my sunshine xxx

Hi my sunshine xxx,

How are you doing today? How is everything with you? Thank you very
much for your letter, I was very glad to receive it. Your letters like
a bright sun make my day.

I am thinking about you a lot and I just can’t get you out of my head.
But I think that this is a good thing, actually deep in my heart I
feel that the emotional connection we are developing is becoming
bigger day by day. I feel that my feelings to you are getting stronger
and stronger. Every day I am thinking about you more and more. You
know, every day I think how great this is that we’ve met in internet,
from so many men and women that are there we’ve chosen each other, not
anybody else. I am so thankful to fate that it gave me you. All the
time I am dreaming about you and me, us together. These are very
wonderful dreams, I am thinking about our future together, what if we
meet and like each other a lot and then how everything would be
changed for both of us. I like dreaming about us, hoping for the great
future together.

I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your
reply very impatiently!

With tender hugs and kisses,





Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:02 pm

From: Elena <>
Sent: 29 April 2016
Subject: I very much regret for not the letter to you. I was in hospital!!! SORRY

Hello, how you today? I hope that at you all well. Sorry for that that I have not written the letter earlier. The matter is that I was in hospital. The throat very strongly was ill me and there was a heat. Now to me it is easier, but I all the same not so well feel myself. But despite it I should write you the letter. I hope that you will forgive me for it. I promise. I will write to you every day or as a last resort in a day. Today I all night long could not fall asleep. I cried all night long. To me it is very bad. I am afraid that you will not write to me. Today I did not sleep, I did not have an appetite because I could not write to you. I worried these days much...

I will wait for yours soon letter.
Yours Elena.


From: Elena <>
Sent: 04 May 2016
Subject: Hello my dear xxx

Hello my dear xxx,

Today the weather is good here. I have spent all my day outside. When
I came internet cafe, I decided to check my e-mail right away, it was
very pleasant for me as usual to receive a letter from you, I have
been waiting for it impatiently!!! Your letters always bring me joy
and good mood, I am really very happy that I’ve got acquainted with
you. You are like a wonderful dream that came into my life, I think
and dream about you very often.

My dear xxx, I think that there is something between us that make me
trust you and open my heart for you, I would like to give you my full
trust because I see in your letters how sincere and serious you are
towards me. Honey, I can’t describe you all of my feelings, the
thought that the person like you have appeared in my life makes me
feel so excited!!! You are far from me now, but I feel that my
happiness is somewhere near me. I hope that we’ll be happy together.
Sweetheart, all I’ve told you is very true, all of my words are coming
from my heart and soul!

I wish you and the people who are close to you to be healthy and fine.
I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your

I send you my tender kiss



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