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Re: Elena Kozlova -

Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:46 pm

You can forward everything you have to me - my email address is below every post I make on the forum. Thank you.

Mariya -

Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:57 pm

Emails received:

From: small_.miracle90 small_.miracle90 <>
Date: Thu, Nov 22, 2018
Subject: Hi

Hi xxx. Please forgive me for being silent. I had a lot of work here, and I just could not find free time to write to you.
If you say that I am not happy to see your letter would not be true. I am very, very glad to see your reply letter to me, and I cannot find words, in general, to express pleasure. Probably, you just need to say "thank you" for a prompt reply, and I hope that you will always answer me just as quickly and fascinatingly.
xxx, if you don't mind, I would like to ask you something.
In the past I wrote to you that for me this acquaintance is new. I really do not know how this all happens, but I have heard many times that people meet online, and this acquaintance sometimes even reaches a wedding. I can not understand how everything happens? Is it possible to fall in love through letters or ...? And you believe in such love? I am interested in your opinion.
Imagine the situation. For example, we communicate with you for a long time using letters. You liked each other. But what will happen next? Are you ready to start a serious relationship with a woman who lives in another country? I do not know how for you, but I am very glad. Simply, if you are not ready, and if you don’t look for the other half, I don’t see any reason to correspond with you further. Understand me, I would not want to give up on you. I just look for a serious relationship to create a family, so playing with my feelings or just correspondence is not interesting for me. Do you understand what I want to tell you? I hope that you will sincerely answer my question.
I have already started writing to you about my searches, and therefore I will probably continue this topic. First of all, we need to know with you about the one for whom and what qualities in a partner we are looking for and from this fact in order to continue our acquaintance. Maybe it’s that we don’t come together, if so, is it worth continuing? You agree with me?
Yes xxx, I'm not a princess, and I do not look for a prince in this life. Those times when people did feats for the sake of women are forgotten, but, nevertheless, I believe that these qualities live somewhere inside of you, and in general for men.
xxx, to be honest, for me, the physical qualities of a person are not very important.
Age matters to many, but not to me.
I am already 28 years old, this is the age in Russia, when a woman should think about her family, about children. My friends have all been married for a long time, and only I was left alone. No, I'm not saying that I have no fans here. There are people who have tried and are still trying to care for me, but I try to divert their attention. Maybe now you think of me that I am heavy for them. Yes, it may be so, but what can I do with myself if they are not interesting to me? Here, in Russia, many or even almost all men drink vodka, they cheat on their wives, or even beat their wives. Marriage in Russia is not stable and it hurts us women very much. My friends often complain to me that there is no happiness in family life, etc. Of course, their words scare me, but, nevertheless, in spite of their words, I believe that there is a person for whom I need me in this life. xxx, I believe that every person on this earth has the second half. Maybe my second half is you?
For example, the first people on earth were Adam and Eve. God created them for each other, and this couple was as one. Together they were happy and their life was probably an example for all of us. xxx I'm not quite sure that you understand what I am writing to you. Excuse me for my philosophical reasoning. I just wanted to know what is in your heart, I just do not want to play feelings, and I’m serious about finding my second half. These words are the result of my reasoning and I hope that you can understand me.
xxx is just my letter to you, and I have already so philosophically written to you about my searches. I hope not scare you? Excuse me if this letter seems complex for you. I know that I should write more now about myself about my life, but this topic is very important for me, and therefore I wrote you about my searches in a letter now. I hope that you rate it and how it will write to me about you in order to find what a woman is for yourself.
Well, I'm at work still, and I have to work more. I will be waiting for your reply letter, and I hope that you will write to me soon.
xxx, if I have free time, I will write again to you and I will tell you a little about myself and my family. I mean about my parents. Like all people, I have a mom and dad, but about them later, well.
Good day to you.
Kiss !!!
Yours sincerely, Mariya.



Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:00 pm

From: small_.miracle90 small_.miracle90 <>
Date: Sat, Nov 24, 2018

Hi xxx.
Please forgive me for these days of silence. There was a lot of work here, and I just could not find the time to write to you. I hope you do not get angry and do not forget me? Please, I would not forgive myself if I made you forget about me.
So, this is my next letter. In the past, I promised to write to you about my parents, but unfortunately I have not written to you about them. That day I worked very hard, so I simply did not have the strength to write another letter in the evening to you. I hope you are not very upset about what I did not write to you that night.
Well, I'm a cute girl and therefore will keep my word and continue my story about myself and my family.
I'll start with my dad. His name is Eugene. He is now 56 years old. By the way, his 56 years we celebrated quite a while ago. Although he is already 56 years old, he does not feel old and looks quite young. He always told me that sport makes him feel better and that's why he constantly does sports and thanks to this he looks young. By profession, he is a physical education teacher. He used to work as a sports coach in high school, but now he works as a trainer in a special sports school. He is a football coach and track and field athlete. Unfortunately international medals I can not boast of it, because it does not have them. I do not know why, but he did not aspire to international records. He just loves football and generally loves sports and that's enough for him. If you ever met with him, then I'm sure that you would have a good opinion of him. He is very good, kind and always helped me in everything.
Mama. About her, I too can tell a lot, but time and place in the letter is not enough for all the words. So I'll tell you about it shortly and about the most important thing. Her name is Anna. She is 52 years old and she is also a former teacher, a trainer in sports training. Earlier, when she worked in high school, she was my father's deputy. It was there in school that they met with each other and soon played a wedding. Now my Mom has long abandoned the sport. She has not worked in school since I was born. Probably she did not have time for sports with me and so she quit her job. Yes, sometimes she regrets it, but then she had no other choice, and I understand her. Now my mother works in a different structure. After my birth she graduated from the Pedagogical Institute and now she is the head of the kindergarten.
So, that's all my family. I will not write to you about my grandparents, because they are already in another world. They were also expensive people for me, but unfortunately their life in this world ended. I hope you understand what I'm writing to you now.
My mom and dad now live in a two-room apartment. I used to live with them, but then I bought an apartment myself and now live separately from them. I live in the city of Kirov. By the way, if you want to see the location of my house, then you can do it through the program "Google map". Do you have this program in your computer? If so, dial my address and you can see my house.
My home address in Kirov:
ul. Svobody 85
xxx I have another very important, which I must discuss with you. I have to write this to you, because it's important for both of us.
I mean now talking on the phone or chatting through chat. I guess you wanted a more intimate communication with me, but to my deep regret I now have to deny you all this. No, do not think that I do not want to talk to you on the phone or to correspond with you online. It would be great, but I have my principles that I do not want to break. The fact is that through such close communication it is very easy to get used to you soon, but I do not want it to be so soon. I once already burned a relationship with a man and do not want to repeat this mistake any more. It is now important for me to better know you, to know your inner side, to be sure that you are the man I was looking for in this life. Do you understand me? Please just do not be mad at me now. I do not tell you that I will never give you my phone number. Of course I'll write you this, but a little later. Maybe even in a week or 2 weeks. Let me decide on this, ok. I hope you can be patient.
So, this letter again turned out to be long. I hope you do not get tired of reading my letters?
I will wait for your reply letter and I will believe that you will write to me soon.
A kiss for you on both cheeks.

Yours faithfully Mariya.



Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:05 pm

From: small_.miracle90 small_.miracle90 <>
Date: Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 7:39 PM

Hello my dear friend xxx !!! Here again a few days after my last letter to you. Are you probably waiting and hoping to see a letter from me sooner? Please excuse me for lingering to you with my answer. I'm very ashamed of this, but on the other hand, I simply did not have free time to write to you. Please understand and do not be angry with me because of this, ok.
So, xxx, how is your day today? What is your mood, state of health? Is it all right there with you? Personally, my mood today is good and this is not only because I have less work. I would say that my mood increased more because I finally was able to see and read your long-awaited letter again. xxx to be honest, I was very much looking forward to your letter. I know that we are very little acquainted, but when I see your letter, my mood immediately rises and a smile appears on my face. I do not lie to you now and it really is. I do not understand why this happens to me, but maybe it's because we are getting closer to each other? xxx with you there is nothing like this? Do not you have a smile on your face when you get my letter? To be honest, I would like you to rejoice in my answer and hope that my letters will always cheer you up.
xxx in my letters I already wrote to you about my search and also about how seriously I treat it. But I did not write to you why I'm looking for a man from a different country, not from Russia. I'm sure you are interested in the answer to this question, so I would like to write a little about this in this letter. Remember in the past my letter I wrote to you that I already burned in love with a man? This is true, but I did not tell you the details. Now we are much closer with you and so today I decided to admit my past relationship with a man. My ex-man was called Dmitriy. He is also from the city of Kirov and we met on the street. On the first day of our meeting he liked me and I immediately gave him my phone number. He started to call me in the evenings and we talked for hours on the phone with him. I did not notice how I got used to it and when he could not call me in the evenings, I really missed him. Sometimes in the evenings I held the phone in my hand and prayed that he would only call me. I missed him, I got used to it through these phone conversations and a love for him broke out in me. He himself worked in the police here in Kirov. He was the inspector of the central department for the title of captain. Over time, we began to meet with him more often and finally decided to live together. He moved to my apartment and everything was fine with us. Was I happy? Maybe yes. At least the first year I was happy with him, but then everything changed. He began to drink more and more vodka, to walk with other women, and I forgave him as a fool. But one day my patience came to an end and I told him that everything was over between us. I told him that I do not need a man who does not put me in anything. I told him that I'm not a toy and that I have a heart. He told me in return that I myself would come to him and left me. It hurt my heart, but I told myself that everything was over with him and did not go to him. At that time, I was very afraid of accidentally meeting him anywhere on the street. I did not want to see him because I was afraid of these memories. I did not go to the street where we once met with him for the first time, but then I learned the news about him. Once on the street, I met our common acquaintance with a woman. We talked with her and she informed me that he had left the city for good. It turned out that he was expelled from work for drunkenness and after that he left Kirov. Of course I was sorry for him, because he was a smart, decent man. But vodka spoiled it and his whole life went somersault. After these relationships, I told myself that I will not be bound to a Russian man anymore and I will never give my phone number until I'm sure of my partner. After all, this relationship began precisely because of these constant conversations on the phone and that's why I now have the principle of not giving a phone number immediately to anyone. I'm just afraid of getting used to it again and all the more I do not want to repeat the old mistakes. It is because of this that I now do not give you my phone number and I hope that you understand me. You know xxx, the time will come when we will freely communicate on the phone or even in a chat. You just have to wait a little and give me time to be confident in you. I'm actually very pleased that we have correspondence with you and of course I would not want to lose contact with you. You have already become a little expensive for me, but it's still early for phone conversations. I ask you to be patient and very soon I will leave my principles. I'm just not ready for this yet, but I hope that soon I will take off these shackles of my principle. I hope you can understand me.
Well, it turned out to be a sincere letter and it even made me feel better. I hope you appreciate my sincerity and just write me about your last relationship in more detail.
On this I finish my letter and now I will wait for your reply. I will be waiting for your early reply.
Sincerely your Mariya.



Sat Dec 01, 2018 7:07 pm

From: small_.miracle90 small_.miracle90 <>
Date: Wed, Nov 28, 2018

Hello my dear, my dear xxx. Do you like it if I start my email with these words?
xxx I have missed you for this time. Honestly !!! (I even blushed)
My dear xxx I want to start today's letter with such beautiful words about you. Dear, sweet, my sweet - do you like me, if I address you to such words? Of course I'm a little ashamed for such a short time that we know each other to turn to you with such kind words, but if you do not mind, I will put off my shame and will address you so cute. Give me your answer.
xxx, I just checked my mail in the hope of seeing your letter. Do not think that I did not expect your letter. I very, very, very, and many times very much waited for your letter. I missed your answer and finally I can read your next letter to me again. I can not thank you for your early reply to me and for this I sincerely tell you Thank you.
xxx I am very glad that you also try to be sincere with me.
xxx know, lately I've been thinking about you ever more often. I do not know how to describe this feeling to you now and I can only tell you now that this feeling is like love. I have never believed in love through the Internet before, but now I change my mind. Maybe there really is such a love. Excuse me for my next thought about life, about love, but I have such a nature that I can not do otherwise. It would be interesting to know your opinion about it. Do you think this is possible or not? xxx I am very ashamed at times to ask you such difficult questions, so if you do not want, then you can not answer them. I just would be interested to know your opinion, but at the same time I do not want to annoy you. So if you want, then answer, if not, then forget about it.
Well, probably enough on this about love and feelings. I'm not a poet, but you probably already noticed that sometimes I can write beautifully. It was a compliment to myself. Never mind.
xxx can I ask you something else. Compared with the previous question, I would like you to answer this question to me. xxx tell me honestly, have you ever thought about meeting me? I know this is a premature question, but if you've already thought about it, then how do you represent our first meeting? Personally, every day I think more and more about meeting with you. I know that I hasten the event, but on the other hand, why write a thousand letters to each other, if these letters can be replaced by one meeting. Consider all these words about meeting my invitation for you. Yes, I would like to invite you to my home in Kirov, unless of course you desire it. So what do you think? Would you like to come on a date to me in Russia? If your answer was positive, then it would be great. I could meet you at home and would not even allow you to book a hotel here. As they say in Russia - My house is your home !!! So what do you think of our meeting in Kirov !? I will wait for your answer to this question and very much hope that I do not rush into this now.
So xxx, it turned out to be a difficult letter for you and also for me. I'll stop at this and wait for your reply letter. Please do not be silent on me and write your reply soon. I already miss you.
A kiss on the lips.
Sincerely your Mariya.

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