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scammers abusing stolen photos of Aaron Ramos

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scammers abusing stolen photos of Aaron Ramos

Unread postby hunter_hunted » Fri May 04, 2012 3:04 pm

- 52 y/o male
- new york, USA
- English, French, Dutch
- Military Personnel
- Have 1 children

Religion Catholic
Marital status Single

Am simple man handsome and good looking, wishing to be a man to a woman and want to spend my life with her.

Ideal match description:
A good looking woman who is ready to spend the rest of her life with me, am very easy going also i want the same in my woman. Lovesss

My name is willson i saw your profile today at this site and i love it also became interested in you,i will also like to know you more you and i want you to send an email directly to my email address so i can reply your mail and also send you my picture and tell you more about my self so that you know whom i am. Here is my email address(willsonbruc i believe we can move from here. My dear in love,distance or colour does not matter but what matter is love and understanding in life
my dear scammer;

im on my way to west africa countries after to die jeejejejejej.
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Unread postby hunter_hunted » Fri May 04, 2012 3:09 pm



X-Originating-IP: [] Spain
From: willson bruce <>
Subject: MY PHOTOS
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 03:48:57 -0700

I always try to be myself in everything i do. I am very hard working and dedicated to all that I do. I consider myself educated but also with street smarts more than book smarts. I grew up hard and did not have the benefit of a stable family so I made myself the stable one in my life. I consider myself very loving, honest, caring, considerate and giving.

In my point of view, I think people have lost the art of being considerate. I have always been a giver and the world so far has seemed full of takers. I love to communicate and enjoy talking about anything. I think communicating is a must in a good relationship. I think people should be able to talk about anything respectfully. I am very romantic with the right person and love to be affectionate. I love to snuggle and hold hands and I think kissing is another lost art that i miss so much. When I am in love, I love to express my love in as many ways possible. I write some poetry and adore good music. It speaks to my soul. I love the ocean and walk along the beaches with my woman. I think I was a mermaid in another life lol.

I am a very honest person and have no time for liars. My losses (Wife and parents) made me strong and to appreciate the little things in life. I tend to be fairly pragmatic about lifes trials and tribulations and prefer to deal with problems head on. I love to read and watch good movies. I read the news daily and like keeping up on things. I enjoy learning and teaching and tend to share my knowledge. My favorite colors are Black, Red and Blue, The sunflower is also one of my favorite flowers as well as the ocean also one of my favorite smells. The sound of laughing children is also one of my favorite. I went to this website in the hope of finding my best friend, my lover, and the love of my life because until I no longer draw breath I will remain hopeful that she exists. But now i seek no more because i found her and i tend to love her with all that i am. I love you so much baby. I must also say that i am a warrior and I am not afraid of much. I love life even when it is hard and try to live it fully. This is only the beginning of my love for you and I hope we get very closer to each other and get to know ourselves much better and move from here into something much deeper and meaningful.

I also want to add that the woman I am looking for is strong but sensitive, loves deeply and isn't afraid of her feelings. She is someone that understands that relationships are only perfect in their imperfections, and accepts that there will be challenges. She is someone that isn't afraid of disagreements but fights fair and does not get personal. She is someone that loves being playful and passionate, and looks forward to the quiet moments together. She is understanding and above all else she is forgiving. She does not hold grudges and she does not shut down. She always communicates her feelings and thoughts. This woman puts the relationship first because she understands that together we are the foundation for all things we love and cherish. She is someone that loves to explore life and all that it offers.

I have been strong my whole life because I have had to in order to raise my child and rise above my raising. I know what I want and i always go for it. I have a big heart and know how to love the people I love with all my might.

Aside the alarm clock My least favorite sound is sorrow, but I accept that in life we experience much of it, and with it comes the strength to endure the next great battle. I am very sure that I am blessed enough in my lifetime to find my best friend, my lover, my everything. And that is no other but YOU. I believe together we can face the sorrow, and laugh through the beauty and rejoice in the happiness that life also often brings.

Hopefully this is one of the scammers arrested in Spain :)
my dear scammer;

im on my way to west africa countries after to die jeejejejejej.
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Unread postby firefly » Sun May 06, 2012 12:27 am

Was not arrested until yesterday, so long he has contacted me too with the same pictures and same email.

X-Originating-IP: []
From: willson bruce <>
Subject: RE: hello
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 17:37:14 -0700

Email Sender:
IP address:
IP address country: Spain
IP address latitude: 40.0000
IP address longitude: -4.0000
ISP of this IP: NFSi Telecom
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Unread postby firefly » Sun May 13, 2012 5:02 pm

abusing stolen pictures of Aaron Ramos, one of the most abused gallery in military romance scam. The pictures are stolen from the real person´s profile (MySpace).

CSM. Lloyd Ramos <>
On datemefree:

Hmmm! Where do i begin?ok, let start by saying I hope this note finds you happy and in good health. I hope that, whether or not it turns out that I am the one for you, that you do find that one person that you need. For the moment, let's hope it's me! I really must confess you have a very cute and charming smile and truth is that i really overlooked the stressful and time consuming processes here cos when i see those smile all i could tell myself was "go on you are almost,
Honestly i really found you very interesting and gorgeous, please i'll love to be your friend,and also hope to know you better...I have been on the site for some days now.... Can you start by telling me about yourself? I would really love to get to know you more and how long have you been in online dating?...I am both an indoor and outdoor person that loves to appreciate the beauty of nature. I'm looking for someone who knows herself well and who has explored what has and hasn't worked in previous relationships. Someone who is confident, and isn't afraid to say "no" and isn't afraid to say "yes".S omeone who is comfortable in the depth of intimacy, and who can be his own person at the same time. Someone of great character who isn't easily swayed by popular opinion.....Well, I guess I've said enough for the time being. have a wonderful day. Until I hear from you, take care of yourself.

CSM. Lloyd.


- 54 y/o male
- Richmond, USA
- English, English, English
- Military
- Have 1 children
Sex male
Children 1
Want children No matters
Date of birth 1958 - March - 23
Height 5'8" - 5'11" (171-180cm)
Body type Athletic
Ethnicity Caucasian
Religion Christian
Marital status Single
Education BA/BS (4 years college)
Details of the person you are looking for
I look for a female
Looking for an age range 51 - 75
Relationship Marriage, Relationship, Travel Partner
Hi and thanks for viewing my profile. I'm a a \
I'm looking for an intelligent, trim, attractive, youthful lady who similarly enjoys life and lives it to the fullest with passion and gusto and who wants to share in all that life has to offer. To all who read my profile, thanks. If I've peaked your interest, I hope you'll reach out to me.....try it, you'll like it!!

Other messages on site:

Hi is your day going new on here and will like to get to know you more...Do you care for a chat....I will like to have your email address so we can have some more chat off this site and also get to know and learn more about each other and see what the Lord has in store for us.. Will be waiting patiently for your reply..

CSM. Lloyd

Hi cutie...thanks for your email address...I have just added you on yahoo IM now...will be waiting there now to have a chat with you....Thanks again...Stay safe... CSM. Lloyd

Sorry Mine is ( )

I have gotten your trying to reply and tell you more about me dear....Will be happy if you can get on yahoo messenger also so we can have a chat after you done reading my email about me...:) HUgs..
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Re: CSM. Lloyd Ramos <>

Unread postby firefly » Sun May 13, 2012 5:06 pm


Hello Gorgeous,

We are now many miles away from each other. I have been longing to meet someone special i can express my innermost feelings to,someone that I can touch,kiss,love and spend the rest of my life but when i met you on the dating site today,i must confess that you are what i dreamed of when i was in search of a new and sweetest partner, someone with integrity,honesty,love,affection,beautiful,God fearing and with such a charming personality.

Am Lloyd ,54years and was born and grew up as a kid in Kansas with my late parent.My parent both met at the university years ago and that was when the story of their love life begun. Am the only son of my late parents. i lived all my life and attended school in Kansas city,I lost my parent at the age of 20years and was brought up by my late uncle in Ogden,i stayed with him and help in his Military interruption after finishing mechanical engineering in a local community college in Junction city.I later enrolled into the Royal Military Academy in United States at West Point new york and i was comissioned a second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers in 1991.i completed Rank of Airborne and Air Assault training, and both the Engineer Officer Basic and Advanced Courses i earned a master's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of California.I am Currently serving in the middle east here in Afghanistan as Commander Sergeant Major(CSM)here with the Joint combat,I have been here for 4years,i do visit home although, but i do miss life out there and have miss my son very much and am hoping to be with him on his 15th birthday,which is on the 1st of June, of next month. Soon i will retire from the Army and will like to experience a different life far from active military service and that is the main reason why i joined the dating site in search to find my soul mate,someone who is ready to accept my son as her's and will love him also.

I would love to meet a honest,loving and caring woman with no strings attached.If anything further should develop in time that would be okay.I am not into one night stands and believe meaningful relationships need to be nurtured and in my opinion respect and trust is the foundation and insurance for a sound relationship,it is something which nurtures love and keeps a relationship from falling apart. Maybe like you,i have not had much luck meeting the right person as those I have met seem to be drawn more to my looks than my intellect.I am not giving up though and who knows maybe in time I will meet someone with whom wants a meaningful,serious,intense relationship of love,devotion and loyalty forever from the day the commitment is made.I search for a dedicated partner in this journey,someone who will stand by me at all times and i hope you will be the one...

Well when it comes to having fun:
I like music jazz,country,blues and,reading,traveling.I enjoy quite moments with my loved one laughing and talking,listening,touching,always showing affection,physical closeness and support.I am a good listener and am a dedicated partner and believe successful relationships are based on developing and nurturing respect for one's partner.Both parties need to work hard to deserve and earn that respect.I am not good at computer but i am going to try to attach some pictures to see if it will come through but if it does not then i will share it with you when we meet on instant chat.I will end it here for now and hope to hear from you.stay bless in all you do.

Your new friend,




Received: from []
Date: Sun, 13 May 2012 08:52:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: "CSM. Lloyd Ramos" <>

Subject: Re: hello

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Ghana Telecom
City: Accra
Country of Origin: Ghana
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Unread postby firefly » Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:38 am

On net log,

how are you doing? i am happy to read your page and i hope we can get to know about each other.i like your picture and your smile. what is your favorite color and what do you do with your leisure time? hear from you soon.

Profile elements:

male - 51 years, München, Germany
175 visitors since 25 January 2012.
i am a man full of love, honest,understanding and like to laugh always. i have a good sense of humor but i have been alone for some years now and would be glad to spend the rest of my life with a romantic and good woman



Other contacts on site:

thank you for the reply and we can get to know each other better and gradually. this is something i want you to know about me. i hope you will also tell me about you after reading this.
I was born in california but now live at morristown,new jersey.i am the second born of my parent and we had a lovely family until i lost my senior brother who worked as a fire fighter and lost his life in a rescue mission.later on i lost my parents too.
i have a 17 year old daughter who has been the source of my happiness and you know she can't give me all the happiness am looking for in life thats why am here to look for a life time partner, someone i can trust and enjoy the rest of my life with.
My wife died some years back, that was then in 2008, i feel so sad and lonely whenever i think about her.
My daughter is also studying law and i am so proud of her because she is the source of my happiness.
Whatever happens to us in life has a reason and i believe we have our reasons for coming on this site.
i work as a field operations supervisor for the US army and my education includes the United States Military Academy (U.S.M.A) at West Point, New York (Class of 1976); Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced courses, Armed Forces Staff College, and a U.S. Army War College Senior Fellowship at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
I am now lonely and sometimes makes me feel like am all alone in the world.
Do you live alone? I enjoy reading,cooking,playing golf and swimming..i love all kind of outdoor and indoor activites.. and looking for a serious partner to share what we have in common.
As at now the government has given me sometime to relax and feel good at home and that make me more lonely.i want to love and be loved by an honest and understanding woman.a woman whom i can spend the rest fo my life with
tell me more about your marriage life? what work do you do ? how do you live? for how long have you been searching for a partner?
Hope to hear from you real soon ... and I am serious about you, i really will love to get
to know you more.
hear from you soon.

my email address is
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Frank.l Donniculf <>

Unread postby firefly » Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:27 pm


please let me know when you are online okay


Received: from []
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 11:08:20 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Frank.l Donniculf" <>

Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Ghana Telecom
City: Accra
Country of Origin: Ghana
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Unread postby firefly » Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:26 pm

Avatar on Yahoo:
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Williams Hakim Ahmad

Unread postby jennaminx » Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:13 pm

FB williams.ahmad or just search for Williams Hakim Ahmad

Claimed to be in the military. Wanting to resign and pretending to be a Muslim. He was not asking me for $. He asked me for cars. He asked $$ from others. The pics on his profile belong to Aaron Ramos. A real army.

Phone numbers: 85225118275 and +447925543797 and there was another one but I can't find it anymore in my contact book. Think I deleted it or something.
Last edited by SlapHappy on Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Williams Hakim Ahmad

Unread postby Wayne » Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:01 pm

Thank you for your report. The person in the photos is Sgt. Aaron Ramos. If you have anything else, please post it up as well.
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