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Google. For words and images.

Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:19 am

Google truly is your friend.
Google everything. Names, email addresses, phone numbers, sections of the emails, whatever the scammer sends you.
Google now has image search, where you can drag a photo into the search box and see if it's online. This handy little tool can be found at

Searching for information on YOUR scammer/ spammer :D

"EMAIL address is the ONLY WAY"
Search by email address (addy) preferable - NOT name "which is fake" or user name "which can be shared" or picture

Searching by pictures alone will LEAD you to the :( innocent person, they are as much a victim as the victim

Re: Google. For words and images.

Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:22 pm

Also, here's a tip. When you search for the email address, put it in [XXXXXX]"[/size]quotation marks[XXXXXX]"[/size] as you'll get a better search result. Same as with sentences your scammer sent you.

Re: Google. For words and images.

Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:37 am

Search engines are a great tool to find if phrases from mails are indeed scripts used by scammers.

Russian or Former Soviet Union scammers often use scripts which “can appear” normal.

Try the following phrases

“And I have cousins. I live alone in flat which I rent far not from center of”

“I like to be cheerful and open, and I like fair, kind, sincere people”

“I do it from the internet cafe, it is rather convenient for me”

“don't look at different girls,you know I am the best!!!(joke)”

“I`m really afraid to fly on a plane! I hope my plane will not fall down!”

Fake refugee scammers and other African scammers also use scripts, often oddly punctuated or with poor spellings used

“killed alongside with my beloved mother and our family house burnt down”

“presently i am residing here in Dakar as a result of the civil war”

“i am not living with him rather I'm leaving in the women's hostel in the camp”

“as i said love maters alot in lifeI i will tell you more about myself in my next”

“sharing feelings and emotions with that speical person and i realy am”

“boyfriend but I broke up with him,I caught him on bed with my best close friend”

“Hope To Hear You There Soon And Tell Me More Bout Yourself”

“send you my picture,you can send me mail at”

“I look forward to hearing more from you soonest”

“Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot in life”

“transaction is 100% risk free and legal”

"am currently in west Africa,precisely in Nigeria"

Search engines results are also useful with other details such as mail addresses and telephone numbers




+234 is country code = Nigeria

+233 is country code = Ghana


+4470 is a UK service which re-directs to any cellphone worldwide and is favoured by scammers
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