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Scammers that pretend to be in a refugee camp, usually in Senegal.

Unread postby Wayne » Sat Jan 07, 2023 11:21 pm

Scammer's email address.:

Content of the email.: Hello My Dearest,
Thank you for your response to my mail, I am very happy for your reply, I saw your profile and I was highly satisfied with it, My Name is Miss Fatou Ousman, i am single 26 years old from Durfur Region of Sudan, My late father Dr. Mohamed Ousman was the former director of CNPC oil and gas in Sudan Company before his death.

The brutal killing of my mother and my Father, one kid sister and kid brother took place one early morning by the rebels as a result of the civil war that is going on until now in Sudan. (
Khartoum’s War On Sudan: When Civilians Are the Enemy | Nuba Reports
Nuba Reports is produced by a network of journalists from the Nuba mountains. They know the conflict better than anyone. Armed with cameras and journalistic training, they have returned to their homeland to document the conflict for audiences both inside and outside Sudan. Our lead reporters have been filming since the conflict began, and each manages their own team of reporters. It is difficult and dangerous work.
) Presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Lome Togo as a result of the killing of my family by the rebels, This Refugee Camp is headed by a Reverend Father Danka Longa whom I used his office computer to send you this email and I only enter his office when he is less busy. This is his telephone No. +228 70180910. You can also reach me through his telephone number, when you call, tell him that you want to speak with Fatou Ousman, he will send it to me.

Please don't be discouraged for hearing this, Please, as a refugee here i don't have any right or privilege to anything be it money or whatever, because it's against the law of this country, as a result of eating is very difficult for me, they are given food here ones a day by 12 PM. and is too hard for me here,

Please listen to this, My father deposited the sum of the amount in question ($4.6 Million US Dollars) (Four Million Six Hundred Thousand USD). in which he used my Name Fatou Ousman as Next of Kin to inherit the money if he eventually dies. Unfortunately, now that he is dead, I decided to transfer the money to my care, As I arrived in Togo here, I sent mail to the bank telling them that my father is dead. They demanded his Death Certificate, confirming that my father was actually dead.

The bank now said that since i do not have documents and even bank account where they can transfer the money, that i should look for a reliable foreign partner who i trusted to stand for me as a trustee to receive the money on my behalf because of my Refugee Status and law of the country, i do not have any relative whom can help me, all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war, i managed to run to this nearby country Togo with the help of United Nation in this orphanage home. Which is why I contacted you and I would like you to help me transfer my late father's money to your bank account and from it, you will send enough money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over to meet with you in your country, because I want to continue my education.

I kept this transaction secret to people in the camp here as the only person that knows about it is the Reverend Father Danka Longa, because he is like a father to me here, but the Reverend said that his apostolic work can not allow him to stand on my behalf. that i should use his office computer to search for a nice person for myself, while he prayed over it. Please, if you can help me to get my Refugee Camp Clearance and Passport to come and join you, Then on my arrival I will apply directly to the bank myself so that they will transfer the money into your bank account. or can i send the contact information of the bank for you to contact them direct by email or telephone number

It is now left for you to choose which option you prefer to help me. (1.) Either agree to represent me at the bank, so that I can give you the contact information of the bank for you to contact them directly, so that they can transfer the money into your bank account. (2). Or to help me come over to your country first, so that when i come, both of us will join hands and get the money transferred into your bank account and you will manage the money in any good investment company of your choice, while i will be with you to assist you in any good investment company of your choice .

In light of the above, I would like you to keep it secret to yourself and not disclose it to anyone for I am afraid of losing my life and the money if people get to know about it. Remember I am giving you all this information due to the trust and faith I put in you in order for you to help me get my freedom, I promise to give you 35% for your assistance once the money is transferred into your account.

Meanwhile I would like you to send me your contact information such as your Age .....Your full name....Country & City.....Phone that i will get to know you well. My favorite language is English. I speak English very fluently because both my father and mother studied in Europe. Attached here are some of my pictures together with my camp identity card for you to see whom you are communicating with and I will also like to see your pictures.
Your lovely,

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