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My story...

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My story...

Unread postby zero1106 » Sat May 11, 2013 2:33 am

Hmmm... It's been exactly a month since i was scammed. I still remember exactly that it was 3pm on Friday, i was walking around in a shopping mall and 'a girl' sent me a messages on FB that she wanted to chat with me....
I met that girl on a dating site, dateinasia to be more specific, i found her actually. She had facebook account on the site, so i added. She was surprised why i knew her FB, and then kept asking about my personal things like what i do, what my parents do, she tried to find out about my financial support right at the first time we chat(i should have known).That was few weeks before the scam...
I went back from the shopping mall and started chatting with 'her'. After a while, we changed to skype chat.she asked me if i was alone, she felt bored..and asked for a video chat. She said she would take off her clothes if i do the same. I couldn't think much, that was a very attractive girl on the cam. Then i got myself exposed..She recorded and then sent me the youtube link to the video, the links to my friends' facebook and told me if i don't want my friends to see this video, i have to send her money, otherwise she will send it to my friends on facebook. I was scared, panic and completely in her control...that was a pathetic moment, i felt so stupid..i did a lot of begging..she said just send her the money and she won't do it, she said she always keeps her word. I had no choice but to believe that.
And she needed immediately. I ran to the Western Union, that was 5.35pm, to send the money, but the staff told me the system closes at 5.30pm so i was 5 minutes late. I tried another money shop, it was the same. So i couldn't send it immediately, i told her the reason, and she gave me another chance to send the money before 9AM the next day (Saturday). I begged again and again, even thought of suicide. She just tried to calm me down by kept saying she always keeps her words. I completely lost. I started to think "what should i do" "what should i do" and then decided to tell the police. They couldn't help, because the scammer in Philippines. The policeman gave me his advice: Don't send her money, if i send her money she will ask for more. Be prepared for the video and then i need to move on...I went back, started to search "extortion" because i had no idea what scammer was. I found similar case, or i can just say some were exactly the same: "a girl from phil got a video, asks for money'...Then i found scamsurvivor, i looked almost immediately for online help. I met firefly, SlappHappy and Wayne, they helped me to understand what the scammers do and were very patient to answer all of the 'what if' and 'but questions i asked. They told me what to do, they have a strategy to deal with scammers, they told me everything i needed to do..what the police couldn't tell. I had a really hard time in the first few days, i stayed online on scamsurvivors just to seek for helps if anything happens. Nothing happened but all the question i had. They helped me get through the hard time. Thank you again firefly, SlapHappy and Wayne who were there to tell me what to do and explained everything to me. RF came later and helped me with recovering, thank you also. It's been a month now and I survive. Thanks to the moderators and admin Wayne for all the help.
I was lucky...just 5 minutes late and the Western Union system closed. That 5 minutes saved my money, and gave me the time to seek for police advice, and find scamsurvivors.

I was blackmail scammed. I survive. that 5 minutes were just like a miracle. If you are a victim and you are reading this, you are still lucky that you find scamsurviors.
That is my story..I got scammed and i survived. (i am now too sleepy so other details will be added later when i remember)
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Re: My story...

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Sat May 11, 2013 2:53 am

Hi Zero,

I promised to read your story and I just did --- excellent. It explains what you went through and it will help many to understand how easy this scam happens. As I said to you in Live Help, all the stories are worth their weight in gold, in helping new victims to understand they are not alone and they have friends here to help them through this.

Keep up the good work, know you have recovered well - I am proud you posted your story, thank you.

Best to you always, and may the future having nothing but good things in store for you.

A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: My story...

Unread postby duckhunter » Sat May 11, 2013 3:14 am

Hi Zero. I'm so sorry you had to face the ugliness of blackmail scam/sextortion. Your few moments of suffering the fear caused by scammers breaks my heart, but your strength and ability to move forward, while at the same time offering the wisdom of your experience, warms it.

Indeed, you came to the right place. These people are experts on the subject.
"It is good to see what is beautiful, but you must also observe the ugly things ... you must be awake to everything ... you must be exposed to things which you don't quite understand, for the more you ponder over these matters which may be difficult for you, the greater will be your capacity to live richly." Krishnamurti.
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Re: My story...

Unread postby jeremy20 » Sat May 11, 2013 5:08 am

Im glad to hear your story zero. We kind of went through out blackmail/scam at the same time and had it end at the same time, so hearing your story was very nice. I hope everything is ok
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Re: My story...

Unread postby zero1106 » Sat May 11, 2013 12:32 pm

That was a hard time, i never felt i needed a friend that much, lonely and isolated. I couldn't tell anyone, scamsurvivors is the only place i could be. I am much much better now.
Thank you everyone
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Re: My story...

Unread postby moonshine » Mon Sep 30, 2013 1:11 pm

I had nearly exactly the same thing happen to me about half an hour ago. I followed all instructions on here and am still completely shaken. I have had some scary things happen to me in my life but this has still got my head swimming with guilt anxiety and anger! This site however, is amazing. I feel so grateful to 'wayne' for showing me how best to deal with this.

I guess now I have to wait and see if this incredibly heartless man on skype will post the video to anyone. I am especially shaken and terrified, because he specifically mentioned my siblings and extended family.

This site is just the 'person' i needed to talk to. Thank you to all involved.
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Re: My story...

Unread postby NewLight » Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:52 am

We are here to help you, just remember this whole ordeal is a scare tactic to get into your wallet, as long as the scammer can not contact you, there is no way to blackmail you. Follow waynes instructions and just try to get some rest and relax. We are here if you have more questions.

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