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Zora the clairvoyant

Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:17 pm

I have been getting emails from 'Zora the clairvoyant' for about six weeks now ...... I have directed it to spam and delete it immediately so I do not read it. Has anyone else been receiving these emails from Zora?

I googled it and it does seem to be a scam. :shock: :!:

Re: Zora the clairvoyant

Mon Sep 03, 2012 3:34 pm

No, I haven't, but just delete them or filter the email address to trash. Nothing to worry about. There are lots of clairvoyants on the internet, even Robotic ones!
I won't tell you what kind of spam I get that don't read. ;)
Just be thankful you did not accidentally responded to the scammer, "Robert Carbuccia," or you would be buried in scammer formats for months like Wayne and I are. If you don't know who he is, he is The Dumbest Scammer In Lagos, and is a big star at

Re: Zora the clairvoyant

Fri Sep 07, 2012 8:51 am

Just be thankful you did not accidentally responded to the scammer, "Robert Carbuccia," or you would be buried in scammer formats for months like Wayne and I are

And me ... I thought it would be fun to get involved a while back. Wrong. What a waste of energy lol.

MM, who knows where your latest spam will arrive from, but if you have in any way dealing with unknowns (scammers, spammers, etc) your email address may have been traded or sold to others. I constantly get offers of Craigslist jobs and offers to meet "really hot neighbors" ( :o ). Just throw them into your junk file and delete them.
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