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My story. Clio

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My story. Clio

Unread postby Clio » Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:34 pm

Sometimes you feel alone, the children are now grown and have their own life, you are still beautiful enough to attract attention of others, but you're damned lonely and tomorrow begins to make a little 'fear.
So just a call on Skype by a stranger to make you mess up all the precautions of a lifetime.
Start talking, he (or she, of course) is always so kind, caring, loving you start to live in waiting to see if he wrote you, and imagination makes its way into your everyday life.
Then, here and there some signs discordant, something is wrong but you, stubborn and blind, you refuse to pay attention to what you see, what you begin to understand.
In the end, it's inevitable, you realize you have to come to terms with reality, you have to admit that the person so wonderful that for weeks has been the center of your life, is nothing more than a miserable crook, an impostor who has spent his time trying to extort you a few thousand Euros, and at this point you come back yourself, suddenly you wake up and you realize that you has been used, violated ...
In the end nothing happened, you were smart enough to understood before you lose even your money over to the dignity and esteem that you have of yourself, but how sad ...
"Solo i bambini sanno quello che cercano". A. M. R. de Saint-Exupéry
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Re: My story. Clio

Unread postby firefly » Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:23 pm


It is never a pleasant feeling when you realize that someone you decided to trust missuses that trust. When this kind of things are happening online, you are right, we are our own enemies - because our mind is jumping to fill the empty dots and we believe everything just because we want to believe.

Anyone can be a victim online special if it is not aware about the danger. Don't blame yourself for that - you have done nothing to feel guilty or bad about. Like in the real life, you need to be careful whom you trust. The only difference is we learn our entire life how to deal with real people, but online is no way to learn without trying. Every bad experience is teaching us something about ourselves and about what we really want to have or not in our life. Some of us are learning on the hard way. But as long as we can learn something is good and every bad experience can change us in better people, more aware about what we let to interfere with us and with what matters for us.

This experience you are talking about, Clio, teaches you a lesson about yourself. Despite of the bitter taste left behind, you decided you don't need a fake fantasy you need to pay for. You are not a victim, you are a survivor.
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
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