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Scammers that pretend to be in a refugee camp, usually in Senegal.

Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby SlapHappy » Sun Mar 29, 2015 7:26 pm

Some work alone, others in gangs, small or large. There are large groups in the Philippines, smaller ones we suspect in Morocco. The Africans are more likely to work alone or in smaller groups. Some use pcs to scam, others use smartphones.
Some do get arrested. Click on the BBC TV link on the main forum page to link to an article about a huge bust in the Philippines.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby LessonLearned » Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:20 pm

It has been over one week since my scam encounter, and just about one week since my last contact. This was quite the experience. The absolute fear that was instilled in me for several days after was a feeling I have never experienced, to be so powerless over yourself. Just as most of us, I was brought to Skype by an attractive girl who recorded me. Absolute horror came over me when I saw the video replayed. I paid right away, and was immediately asked for another payment. The money hurt, but it really isn't about the money. This situation was entirely self created, as I put myself out there to be taken advantage of. This took me two days to really decide how I can deal with this. It wasn't until I came to, and found this site that I realized what I was dealing with. I had already deleted my fb, but after reading here, I deleted IG as well. There were multiple threats and deadlines, but those came and went. True to his word, he did post the video. A fake fb account was created, using my last name as my first, and so on. Luckily, I told a close friend about it and he found it right away. (this is the only downfall I found to deleting your fb account, but still definitely do it) I notified fb of someone using my information and inappropriate content. To the credit of fb, the site was deleted within minutes. As of now, there has been no other posting, to my knowledge. I pray the words I have found on this site are true, and that he/she/it will go away for good. It was somewhat funny when I cut contact, as they kept reaching out with an additional phone number pleading with me to respond. As soon as you are no longer afraid, they realize they have nothing. I made myself get into my routine after reading this, with a trip to the gym and a drink with some friends. This helped a lot. The more you internalize and live in the fear, the more they have control.

The previous words are right on, it makes no sense for them to continue on after you cut them out of your life. What good is it for them to upload the video on many sources, or to individually email each of your fb friends. That would take quite the effort. Plus, the chances of someone opening a video from a stranger on fb is low. As this was going on, I remember looking at the text on the second day and saw that I was told that this would destroy my life. The more clear headed I got, I thought, no it wont. It will be embarrassing, I will have a few jokes at my expense. But after weeks, no one will remember. This is when I realized that everything being told to me was bullshit. Take your life back, don't let anyone hold a small mistake in your life against you like this. No one should be left to feel this powerless and helpless.

I really want to thank the administrators of this site. This was the a horrible personal experience, and I read through this site numerous times to find comfort when I had nowhere else to turn. This site was a blessing I will not soon forget. Also, thank you to everyone who posted on here. It was all these words, collectively, that truly helped in dealing with this situation. If I can help anyone, it would be, absolutely and unequivocally, DO NOT PAY. There is zero incentive for them not to ask you for additional money. There is zero incentive for them to delete the video. There is zero incentive for them to do anything for you or honor their word to you. It is sales 101, you have to ask to make the sale. They have to ask for more money. Listen to the advice on here, cut off contact and follow the scam bible on how to deal with these crazies. It will work. Take your life back.
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Thoughts For The Day

Unread postby SlapHappy » Mon May 11, 2015 4:38 pm

Every day you think of "The Scam" is another day you give to the scammer, so why not drop it??
"The Scam" is a broken record, so take it off the turntable and toss it in the trash.
Go take up an old or new hobby instead of googling yourself and looking for nothing...
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Iwant2basurvivor » Wed May 13, 2015 11:50 pm

Hello everyone, it has been two and a half weeks from my last contact with the scammer. The first two weeks are the hardest. My scam wasnt as bad as some of the scams i have read. My scammer never showed me any links or played my video back to me or had any lists of friends on facebook. They wanted to add me on facebook but i declined. I immiadiately deactivated all accounts. Changed my email and phone number and set up google alerts and also had another alert through timewater just for another piece of mind. I went through everything everyone else went through though. always googling your name and checking on youtube. At least ten or fifteen times a day. Its all you think about constantly. The feeling in your stomach never goes away and so on. The quicker you cut contact with the scum/scammer the better. They cant contact you they cant scam you period. All the fear and constantly thinking and googling is slowly deminishing. If you follow all the advice on this terrific site you will be fine and you will be a survivor. Trust me i know it seems like you will never recover but you will. Read and read some more you will find comfort and advice where ever you are in here. Its amazing the people that reach out to you that you dont even know. Its AMAZING. Keep your faith and move on fast just like your scammer will do. God bless all who have been scammed and everyone involved in this site. Thank you very much.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Dell » Sat May 16, 2015 1:37 am

It's been almost 5 months and my scammers wont let me go in peace, but today i told myself "f*ck them". Today i realised how many people supported me with all problems i had and still have. After months and months fake online relationship, on january 12, 2015. "she" began to threaten me. I had the most difficult time of my life. I lost everything i've been working for for the last 13 years because of big stupid mistake. It was much easier when i realised it's a scam and that person behind facebook profile isn't real. Because i couldnt believe someone could be so much sick to do so many bad things to me like that scammer. The hardest days are behind me (i hope). Time when they were sending my naked pictures to all my friendlist. My family, friends, business partners...when they were making fake profiles and fan pages with my name and placing a bunch of my naked pictures, calling me gay, making fun of my friend who passed away...i talked with Firefly today and i hope they deleted my naked pictures. I can live with them calling me gay, making fun of me. People know me. People know who i am. We are making jokes now about it and its much easier since i'm offline, without facebook acc.
They are still making stupid gay comments about me after almost 5 months, spreading all around my facebook friends with their fake accounts, and actually i feel much better now. I feel stronger.
After so many months i spent in hospital because of them, i feel healthier.
I want to thank all people on this site who are giving us their free time and knowledge, and specially to Firefly, who helped me alot.
I'm learning so much and i'm teaching my little cousins and friends about scams. I dont want them to go thru everything like i did.
I allways choose the hardest way - to learn by my own mistakes.
Thank You :)
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby firefly » Sat May 16, 2015 2:20 am


Despite all the circumstances, you realized you are not alone - and we are content that we were able to help you regarding this matter as much as it was possible. Your scam is an atypical one - a romance case running for months and ending in a sextortion situation. The person you met online is a sick freak, and his interest is only to see how far he can go to control you. The best thing is that you did not allow him to control you - right now you are not afraid.

The blackmail scams/sextortion are usually done for two reasons: most of the scammers are trying to get money from the victims. A very small numbers of scammers are trying just to push the boundaries and to see how effective their control over the victim can be.

Right now, it does not matter what this scammer is trying to do. People around you - the ones you know in your real life and the ones you met on this site - knows you and they trust you enough not to believe any of the crap stories the scammer may try to use against you.

The fact is, you warned others targeted in the same way by this person and you helped some potential victims to avoid this trap. I respect your strength and I want to thank you for your efforts to help others, no matter how hard it was for you.

We all make mistakes, in a way or another way, sooner or later. Learning from those mistakes makes us who we are. You are a true survivor!
Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Dell » Sat May 16, 2015 11:42 am

Thank you for this words Firefly. When i got here, i didnt know what kind of help i can expect. Moral help i got here is something that made me so much stronger, because only my closest friends know the real thruth about my problem with scammers. Alot of people knows me because of my work and i didnt want everyone to know i was in romance scam because i was ashamed, and i still am. Others just know i'm dealing with blackmail/scam. I still dont get it how could i fall in this. I allways thought i was a bit smarter than that. But that just shows the strainght of scammers, and how weak we are. They manipulated with me so perfectly. I woke up every day and couldnt eat, i had so much pain in my stomach. My family was affraid for me. It was the result of not be able to work with scammers like i should have. You helped me.
They didnt stop, like you already know. But what they are doing now is just stupid, boring and very childish, and i sleep much better. I'm not using sleeping pills for the last 2 months at all, and i know i will recover from this a bit longer, but im on the right way.
Like i already said, my goal is to warn others. I'm offline, but i follow them, because i hate to see them on my family friend list. I know they are pissed off at me because im warning people, because it's not good for their future scams, but i will rather receive few more punches, then to see someone gets hurt like me. I even warned people i dont like, because you cant think who is good person and who isnt - no one deserves this. No one.
God bless you!
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby mikemike1 » Sat May 16, 2015 7:12 pm

These past few days has been great, I'm done with all this for sure. It's been 3 months no contact, since the same day of the scam. I have yet to hear anything from friends or family. My friendslist was private from day 1. I'm certain this guy kept it moving they don't come bk and check up on past scams when there was never money in it in the first place. I want to thank you all for I'm sure I drove you all crazy. Thank you Slaphappy I really needed that slap of reality check.everything you said was correct, and I'm sorry I asked the same questions in different ways, I do appreciate your replies and I needed that last one for sure to really get it thru my head.. Thank you all. And I'm gonna take a long break from this site . God bless you all
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Dell » Wed May 20, 2015 10:41 pm

I guess i'm one of those 1% of victims :)
...non stoping from 12th of january :|
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Wayne » Wed May 20, 2015 11:30 pm

But let's not forgtet that yours is a completely different type of scam to most that we deal with here. In fact, you're the only one in that situation, so you're the 100% it happened to.
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