
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

recovery and reassurance

Scammers that pretend to be in a refugee camp, usually in Senegal.

Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby trialanderror » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:59 pm

I was scammed over a month ago now, and I'm glad to say that after following the steps and advice by the knowledgeable moderators of this site, I haven't been contacted again (and I really hope I won't in the future)

The fear and anxiety when it happens are truly hard to describe. I can only be thankful I came out of this ordeal with an experience to learn from. I now know what it feels like to lay sleepless all night, fearing that your life as you know it is over. I now know what it feels like to be deceived over the internet and how easy it is for everything to go wrong in seconds. I now know what it feels like to feel hopeless, and to have my spirits raised by talking about it to people who are wiser and of clearer judgement. And I'd like to think I'm stronger now from it all, I'd like to believe that this didn't happen for nothing and I'm trying to rectify some of the things in my life that I've been avoiding addressing for too long. It may have been a horrifying experience, traumatising even, but as they say on this site, let this be a lesson to you and let it be a wake up call that the internet may seem polished and safe but you never know who is lurking behind the screen. There's no need to be paranoid, but it is absolutely vital to be aware of this.

While I'm slowly getting my life back, trying to become a better person from all of this; I still feel vulnerable and anxious, I think this may persist for a while. The moderators and users of this forum have described the symptoms of this experience down to an art, so I don't think I have much to add, but I'll just reiterate that this too shall pass, don't let this experience weigh down on you in a negative way because self-loathing and depression can be a vicious cycle and you shouldn't let yourself succumb to that.

Thank you again for all of the help to Slaphappy, Wayne, Firefly and everybody at scamsurvivors. You guys are really doing honourable work
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Ruffled Feathers » Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:07 am

Hello, trialanderror
I just read your message of how it feels to be scammed and the thoughts and feelings you are going through, this is more than normal, you need now to get rest, eat right and hopefully get some sleep.
My scam was over 4 years ago,, I have regained my life in a much more positive manner, and that will happen with you also as time goes on, you must remember, you were vulnerable to this ugly person, but also, please remember we are all human and make mistakes and we were taught to trust people, never in a million years being taught that someone would hurt us, emotionally and monetarily. but trust me you do survive as a much better person, and one who is much wiser to the world around them.
Just to tell you, the night I found out I had been scammed, I thought my world ended, but trusting a few friends I found out, yes I was a jerk, but I still had a life and friends, and most importantly, the people on this site are here to push, pull and drag you back into a real world, one which you deserve to be in. Mine was a romance scam, one of the worst to recover from, because you believe the romantic side, not the money that is running out of your bank account.
My new life is full, the scam is behind me, and I have a wonderful person in my life once again. And your life will also return to normal, just let it happen.
All the people on this site are here for you, let them help you break through and regain your posture, stand up straight, eat right and enjoy your life. the scammer is a piece of crap and does not belong in your life any longer.
I hope I did not talk too much about myself, but I wanted you to know, in no uncertain terms you will get your life back, not quite the same, but much better, and you will recover and be a stand-up strong person, who hopefully can help someone else going through a hard time.
A scammer is only as good as the fear he creates.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby ShadowNights » Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:59 pm

I'm thankful for this site. I have had a rough week discovering I was scammed. I was scared, I feared not for myself, but my family. Whoever took my money did take a lot more at the time. I am glad I caught on. It's hard not to think about it, but I can't let it consume me. I have to keep coming here and reminding myself that it's not my fault. I am glad for a great family, a great girlfriend, and friends. They have helped me out. And thank you to the creators, admins, moderators, and members. I'm encouraged by the stories.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Big Al » Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:21 am

^^^ Glad we were here to help you.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby nevergiveup » Sun Mar 08, 2015 2:57 pm

Hope everything gonna be fine...may god bless all of you...
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Jaybex » Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:54 am

I just want to thank this site for helping me through a potentially life breaking situation.

Guys just follow their advice snd you'll be fine.

Also how do I help more??
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby Big Al » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:12 pm

Jaybex Wrote,
Also how do I help more??

One of the best things you can do as a Survivor is to educate yourself and others about the different types of scams. We generally discourage Survivors from doing what we do as it can be heart-breaking as well as rewarding and most people who have been scammed can't remove their emotions from the scene while trying to help others. Also, this thing we do takes a lot of dedication and time away from other things in your life. I myself have spent many an 8 hour evening after working my real job posting reports here.

So why do we do this? There's a lot of answers to that. One is that we are making a difference in peoples lives. Surely there are thousands of people out there that have avoided being Scammed because of the information contained on these pages. If you've listened to some of the Podcasts then you can see that we do have some fun at the Scammer's expense too. But mostly this "Hobby" is for me anyway, sitting in front of the TV at night with the dogs sleeping behind me while I file reports and do the other things required to get the information posted here.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby mikemike1 » Tue Mar 24, 2015 10:56 pm

I think I'm finally past the worste part and thanks to you guys and this website I made it out with no damage just the worry remains. I can control that the odds are there. Its been 5 weeks and no contact or nothing. I've made a new account pretty much for everything.I've done research and come to find out I found 2 people other than me that was bm by the same guy, on the same night, so I'm sure hes forgotten me, I hope. Its an embarrassing feeling I know but after this time I'm sure the video is gone. I learned a valuable lesson and I'm a much wiser and alert person. I won't get caught off guard like that again. Listen to these great people at scam survivers they know what they're talking about. Everything they said was true. I appreciate you all so much if u only knew. I thank you and may god bless.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby sivasli58 » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:35 pm

Two weeks past after my last contact with the scammer. Nothing has happend since this. I am much better thanks to contributions of this forum. It won't let me to forget it but I live my normal life again. I hope I won't face a bad thing about this incident again.
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Re: Closure.When Will This End? How Do Scammers Think? pg13

Unread postby ronnie2 » Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:45 pm

I got scammed last week too. Moroccan style. I virtually disappeared online and got a couple of close friends to keep a look out.

I'm not really worried about it anymore, it would have been a different story if they had actually posted that video to all my friends on f/b but I'm pretty sure they would have done it by now. I'm not at all bothered about people seeing me nude but I am definitely bothered about people seeing me m***urbating. That is probably the most private thing a man does and to have almost everyone you know seeing you do it...... devastating.

My advice is have a sense of humour and forget about it. At the end of the day it was your own stupidity that caused it. I suppose I am a 'victim' of sorts but I had it coming. No-body's fault but mine. I don't feel emotionally scarred whatsoever. I told a group of close friends the story in the pub the other night and they all found it hillarious. So just laugh it off, move one. Be wiser from it. What ever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.... and all that jazz :).

On a side note: does anyone know how these guys work? Are there a group of them all sat round with computers or are they lone operators? Is it a criminal organisation? and have there ever been any busts? i.e syndicates that have been caught by the authorities?

Cheers and thanks a lot for this site. Put my mind at ease.
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