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craigslist scam

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craigslist scam

Unread postby unknown555 » Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:45 pm

I responded to a girl on craigslist stating she was looking for friends to talk to. We shortly exchanged emails and texts soon after. The age was blank but she soon told me she was 16 almost turning 17. Her messages were flirty and led to flirting showing me revealing pictures of her. I went along with it stupidly and she sent me more pictures and a video asking for mine too, which I sent. She talked about meeting and when she was 17 it would be ok by then with a consenting adult.

I get a call from her a guy claiming to be her husband, which I'm sure you can't be married until 18 anyway. This doesn't make sense. She instigated everything yet I'm being blamed and accused. He Demanded to call him or he will report me to the police as a sex offender and mentioned specific people from my facebook he would sent pdf copies of conversation to. His phone was wierd and went right to voicemail that wasn't set up and I could only answer his calls. This was scary because my facebook is set to private and no way of knowing how he found that info out so quickly. I was embarrassed, ashamed, but deactivated my facebook, deleted that email account and changed my cell number.

Is there anything else I should do and can I be sure this is a scam or a possible legit situation?
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Re: craigslist scam

Unread postby Wayne » Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:40 pm

she soon told me she was 16 almost turning 17.

In which case we are unable to help you. We have a rule here that if the scammer claims to be a minor at the start of the conversation (and by that we mean under 18) then we cannot offer assistance.
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