
Do NOT tell your scammer he is posted here, or report their accounts as it puts others at risk!

This section deals specifically with online romance scams. The images used by the scammers are stolen from innocent people, usually from their social media pages.

Unread postby firefly » Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:32 pm

The victim, targeted before by another Russian scammer, received messages from another one. Keeping the email address used with a scammer will always end this way - with more and more scam messages and this is the main reason we advise anyone to change everything used with a scammer, to avoid falling again in the same trap.

From: Svetlana <>
Subject : Ahoj moj kamarat xxx!

Ahoj moj kamarat xxx! Som rad, ze pocujem od vas vas novy list.
Vase listy, aby moj svet ovela zaujimavejsie, nez tomu bolo predtym, nez sme sa stretli, ja dufam,
ze bude tiez zaujimave pre vas, ako ste mi to povedal. Som rad, ze som sa komunikovat s takou dobry clovek, ako si ty.
Som rad, ze viem o vas, o vasich zaujmoch, o tvoje konicky. A Chces vediet o mojom zivote?
Myslim si, ze je to zaujimave. Chcem vam povedat nieco o svojich rodicoch a moj najlepsie mesto na svete Elec.
Meno mojej milovanej matky je Larisa, jej 53 roku. Pracuje ako ucitelka v materskej skole.
Ona je velmi laskava a starostliva zena. Moja matka miluje deti, a ona ma velmi dobre srdce.
Meno mojho otca Sergey, jeho 55 rokov, a pracuje ako vodic kamionu. Je velmi pracovity a slusny clovek.
Moji rodicia su skveli ludia, ktori priniesli hore a vzdelane ma. Tie sa vzdy snazi, aby mi okolo a pomozte mi v tazkych chvilach.
Moja rodina bola vzdy pre mna prikladom. Prial by som si, ze by som sa v buducnosti mali presne rovnaku rodinu,
ktora by bola porozumenia a dovery medzi navzajom. Moji rodicia nikdy hadat, pretoze vedia, ze to nebude problem vyriesit.
Vzdy sa snazi riesit problemy spolocne, dohromady. Myslim si, ze je to najkrajsie ideal stastne rodiny.
Moc rad mojich rodicov, pretoze oni mi dal zivot. A vasi rodicia, ake su ich mena? Kto funguju? Milujete je?
Odpovedzte, prosim, na moju otazku o tvojich rodicoch, naozaj chcem vediet o tvojej rodine.
Tiez som chcel povedat o moj najlepsi priatelke, jej meno je Mariya. Ona je moj jediny velmi verny priatelka.
Bolo to pre mna ako sestra, pretoze sme boli priatelia od detstva.
Ludia hovoria o nas, ze sme priatelia nemaju nedostala voda, a ja som velmi dovera.
Ja by som si veril ju s mojim zivotom, keby to bolo nutne. Pracujeme s nou v rovnakej kaviarni.
Myslim si, ze nase priatelstvo bude pokracovat az do vysokeho veku, tak dlho, kym nezastavime sa navzajom spoznat.
Mate nejake priatelov? Maju najlepsi priatel? Ake je jeho meno?
A samozrejme ja vam poviem o mojom meste Elec. V mojom meste je mnoho atrakcii: kulturne pamiatky, muzea, kostoly a dalsie.
Tiez si mozete precitat vela zaujimavych clankov na internete o mojom meste.
Som velmi rad, ze som sa narodil v tomto meste, moje mesto nadherny a relaxacne!
Poslem vam nejake fotky mojho mesta. Dufam, ze sa vam to paci.
Povedz mi nieco o vasom meste, ako ste tam? No, mozno to dokoncim moj list.
Budem sa tesit na dalsi list.


Hello friend of mine xxx!

Hello friend of mine xxx! Glad to hear from you your new list.
Your letters make my world a lot more interesting than it was before we met, I hope,
It will also be of interest to you, as you told me. I am glad that I communicate with such a good person like you.
I'm glad I know about you, about your interests, about your hobbies. And you want to know about my life?
I think that it's interesting. I want to say something about my parents and my best city in the world Elec.
The name of my beloved mother is Larisa, her 53 years. She works as a kindergarten teacher.
She is very kind and caring woman. My mother loves children and she has a very good heart.
The name of my father, Sergey, his 55 years, and worked as a truck driver. It is very hardworking and decent man.
My parents are wonderful people who brought up and educated me. You are always trying to get me around and help me in difficult times.
My family has always been for me an example. I wish that I would in the future be exactly the same family,
which would be understanding and trust between each other. My parents never guess, because they know it will not solve the problem.
We always try to solve problems together, together. I think that is the most beautiful ideal of a happy family.
I would love my parents because they gave me life. And your parents, what are their names? Who do I work? Do you love it?
Please answer my question about your parents really want to know about your family.
I also want to tell you about my best friend, her name is Mariya. She is my only very loyal friend.
It was for me as a sister because we have been friends since childhood.
People say about us that we are friends do not have no water, and I'm very confidential.
I would have trusted her with my life if it was necessary. We are working with her in the same cafe.
I think that our friendship will continue until old age, as long as we do not stop to know each other.
Do you have any friends? Are best friend? What is his name?
And of course, I'll tell you about my town Elec. In my town's many attractions: cultural monuments, museums, churches and more.
You can also see a lot of interesting articles on the Internet about my city.
I'm very glad I was born in this city, my city wonderful and relax!
I will send you some pictures of my city. I hope you like it.
Tell me about your town, how are you there? Well, maybe not even my letter.
I look forward to the next sheet.

Pictures received with the email:


Help yourself by helping others - report your scammer here.
Google can be your best friend;use it if you have doubts about someone met online. If someone met online only asks for money, no matter what reason, it´s 100% scam.
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Unread postby Deasonstacy » Mon Apr 11, 2016 7:05 am

Hello Firefly,

You are doing a very good task of unmasking scammers, I have seen many of your posts here and thought of appreciating you for this task you are doing by helping others.
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Unread postby SlapHappy » Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:46 pm


Close the email account that all the Russian scammers targeted you on. It is unsafe to use it anymore.
Not only does it make you susceptible to receiving more scam emails, but also they could send you a virus or malware, and could possibly clean out your bank accounts or grab your contact lists and scam your friends.

Make a brand new new email account.
If anyone asks you for money on the Internet they are always a scammer, 100% of the time.
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